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Vietnam Braces For Typhoon Goni Amid Ongoing Search & Rescue Efforts For Typhoon Molave Victims

Typhoon Goni to hit Vietnam next week

As Central Vietnam is still reeling from the aftermath of Typhoon Molave (Typhoon No. 9), including landslides, extensive flooding, and missing people, a new storm is expected to crash in the region in a few days. 

According to the National Center For Hydro – Meterological Forecasting, the new storm, named Typhoon Goni and also known as Typhoon No. 10 and Typhoon Rolly, is heading towards the South China Sea and is predicted to hit Central Vietnam by next week.

Typhoon Goni is coming

Typhoon Goni
Image adapted from: Zoom Earth 

The latest data on Zoom Earth shows that Typhoon Goni is approaching the Philippines and is on its track to becoming a typhoon. It is heading towards the South China Sea and will hit Vietnam by the end of next week, currently packing sustained winds 240KM per hour. 

The center of Typhoon Goni is about west-northwest of the South Central Coast of Vietnam. Meteorologists predict that the typhoon will weaken into a tropical storm before it hits Central Vietnam on 3rd November.  

However, local authorities have still warned residents to make necessary preparations for Typhoon Goni, which may intensify on the way to Vietnam and come with a  total rainfall of around 150-200 mm.  

Central Vietnam reels from Typhoon Molave’s aftermath

Typhoon Molave_landslides
Soldiers and rescue team looking for landslide victims in Phuoc Son, one of Central Vietnam’s worst-hit areas of Typhoon Molave (Typhoon No. 9)
Image credit: Nhan Dan

For the past 2 days, Vietnamese soldiers and rescue teams have been digging through tons of mud and corrugated metal roofs to search for at least 50 landslide victims who are feared dead.

Typhoon Molave_capsized boats
Image credit: Nhan Dan

Authorities are also expanding search and rescue efforts for 26 crew members on 13 fishing boats and cruises who had reportedly drowned during Typhoon Molave.

3 crew members of a capsized fishing boat in Binh Dinh Province were rescued by the crew members of MV/Fortune Iris, a cargo ship bearing the Hong Kong flag on its way to Japan from Singapore. 

Typhoon Molave_repair roof
Soldiers helping residents repair their roof after the typhoon
Image credit: Nhan Dan 

Typhoon Molave has caused severe destruction across Central Vietnam. Over 88,000 houses were damaged along with destroyed infrastructure such as power lines

A great number of fallen trees and debris filling the roads have caused significant difficulties in public transportation.

Residents, police officers, and soldiers are going into overdrive to clean up the debris and trash across Central Vietnamese cities and towns to help communities recover.  

Typhoon Molave_flooding in Vinh
Image adapted from: Tuoi Tre

Most cities in Central Vietnam are seeing extensive flooding and power outages as a result of the typhoon.

Typhoon Molave_flooding in Vinh sailing
Image adapted from: Tuoi Tre

An alarming rise in water levels in Vinh City today has forced soldiers and rescue teams to use boats to sail residents to safer places.

Typhoon Goni is predicted to slam Vietnam next week

In October alone, Central Vietnam has been hit by 4 consecutive typhoons, causing tremendous loss of life and property. The residents of Central Vietnam are still not out of harm’s way yet, as two more typhoons including Typhoon Goni are predicted to hit the region in a couple of days. 

Cleaning up and repairing damage after the typhoon is important, but let’s not forget to prepare ourselves for the upcoming typhoon. For your own safety, if you live in an area in its path, continue to secure your houses with protective equipment, buy flashlights and bottled water, and heed local authorities’ safety recommendations.   

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Cover image adapted from: Zoom Earth, Tuoi Tre

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