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Quarantined Farmers Can’t Harvest Ripened Rice, Local Police Help Them Out

Local police help quarantined farmers harvest rice

If you’ve ever played farm simulation games such as Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon, you know the excitement of looking forward to a harvest.

Now imagine the anticipation of actual farmers when it’s real planting we’re talking about – harvests are when their months of hard work on the field finally come to fruition.

Unfortunately, many farmers at Sông Lô District, Vĩnh Phúc Province couldn’t make it to their harvest, as they were quarantined following reports of COVID-19 infections in the area.

It was then that local police and volunteers came to their rescue.

Rice fields faced risks of over-ripening as farmers were under quarantine

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Image credit: Zing News

For our fellow city folks who are un-savvy in the art of agriculture, here’s a tidbit about the rice we all consume daily: if you leave ripened rice unharvested for too long, the grains will either fall off and get blown away by the wind, or become food for birds, mice, and other vermin.

Image credit: Zing News

That fate would have awaited several rice fields in Sông Lô District, Vĩnh Phúc Province, where many farmers can’t harvest them in time as they’re still under quarantine due to COVID-19 risks. That is, if local police and volunteers hadn’t intervened in a timely manner.

Local police and volunteers lend a helping hand

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Image credit: Zing News

On 18th May, dozens of local police officers and volunteers flocked to the rice fields around the quarantined area. Despite the intense heat, they worked outdoors all day to do the harvesting in the quarantined farmers’ stead.

By the end of the day, nearly 2.5 tons of rice had been reaped, reported Zing News. The rice belonged to 10 underprivileged households currently living in quarantine.

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Image credit: Zing News

The rice was then taken back to storage for preservation so that farmers could process them into edible grains at a later date.

Authorities are also planning future actions to help disadvantaged citizens affected by the pandemic get back on their feet, a local leader told Zing News.

All government workers deserve recognition

Ever since the fourth COVID-19 wave began in Vietnam back in late April, we’ve seen constant online posts and pictures honoring medical workers for their efforts in containing the virus. The white-coated heroes deserve all the credits, of course, but let’s not forget that the police force is also working no less diligently.

While not every police officer is out there battling the pandemic directly, their contributions from the backline play a crucial part in maintaining stability – providing support to affected citizens and frontliners alike.

Let this story be a reminder to us to show all government workers the respect they are due.

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Cover image adapted from Zing News

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