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Mature 5-Year-Old Walks Into Ambulance Alone, Scene Touches Netizens’ Hearts

Mature child walks into ambulance van all by herself 

For the past 4 weeks, Saigon has recorded daily locally acquired COVID-19 infections. With more neighborhoods going into isolation, the sound of sirens blaring day and night, coupled with the sight of people being herded into ambulances have become the norm.

Nonetheless, it’s hard not to feel sad when seeing family members separated by the pandemic. 

Many netizens felt the same when they saw a 5-year-old child in Binh Chanh, who tested positive for COVID-19, walk into an ambulance van all alone.

Here’s how the mature child proves that even the youngest of us all can be brave in the face of uncertainty.

Her whole family had tested positive for COVID-19

mature child
Image adapted from: antho9898

In a TikTok video that has been widely shared, a child clad in protective gear was seen walking into an ambulance van all by herself.

The sight of the obedient 5-year-old child looking somewhat lonely has touched many netizens’ hearts.  

According to the OP – a medical worker – the little girl walked into the van bound for Trung Vuong Hospital to seek treatment for her COVID-19 diagnosis.

After the girl’s father had contracted COVID-19, her mother was sent into a dedicated quarantine facility for treatment. The girl stayed with her grandmother, who later caught the coronavirus.

mature child
The child climbs into her seat in the ambulance
Image adapted from: antho9898

On 23rd June, the girl also tested positive for COVID-19 and was transported to Trung Vuong Hospital in District 10 for quarantine and treatment.

The child acted maturely during the journey

mature child
Image adapted from: antho9898

According to medical workers who took care of her, the 5-year-old girl took instructions very well and was obedient throughout the journey. 

The girl has been reunited with her grandmother in the hospital and is doing well, Soha reported.

Kudos to the mature girl for her bravery

We think that the young child’s bravery despite her situation deserves our commendation.

Though most children may have felt afraid while being separated from their caregivers, the 5-year-old in this story conducted herself with maturity beyond her years.

We wish her and her family a swift recovery.

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Cover image adapted from: antho9898

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