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Deliveryman Displays “I’m Negative” Sign, His Cute Antics Amuse Customers

Deliveryman carries “I’m negative” sign on his bike to assure customers

As the COVID-19 outbreak drags on in Saigon, more and more residents have switched to shopping online, relying on delivery drivers to bring them food and other products.

However, due to the nature of their job requiring them to meet many people, these drivers not only face high risks of infection themselves, but also carry the potential to spread the virus if they’re not careful.

Understanding this concern, a deliveryman in Saigon has put up a sign on his bike saying “I’m negative” to assure his customers. He also adheres to social distancing by leaving the package from afar for the customer to pick up themselves, minimizing contacts.

The deliveryman attached a sign that says “I’m negative” to his bike

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Image credit: Huỳnh Nhã Di

On Tuesday, Facebook user Huỳnh Nhã Di posted on the review group Thánh Riviu to share some cute stories that transpired between her and her regular deliveryman, hoping to spread the positivity.

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Image credit: Huỳnh Nhã Di

From what Nhã Di said, she was very impressed by how serious the man adheres to disease prevention policies. To assure his customers, he’s attached a sign saying “I’m negative” to his bike. Adorably, he’s also decorated the sign with hand-drawn pictures of omelettes – his favorite food.

Next to the sign is a bottle of sanitizer, readily available when needed.

deliveryman social distancing
Image credit: Huỳnh Nhã Di

Not only that, but the driver is also very adamant about maintaining a safe distance during their transaction. To minimize contacts, he leaves the package on a nearby surface – an unused table in this particular case – then backs away and tells the customer to pick up the delivery themselves.

He melts her heart on multiple occasions with considerate gestures

According to Nhã Di, since she orders items online quite often and this deliveryman is her regular one, they’ve developed a more personal bond. On multiple occasions, he’s delivered not only her packages, but also considerate gestures that melt her heart.

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Image credit: Huỳnh Nhã Di

For instance, on International Women’s Day last 8th March – an occasion where Vietnamese men buy gifts to show appreciation to important women in their lives – the driver bought her a rose. It came with a cute note that says, “Wish you happiness and success in online shopping (getting products that look like online pictures)”.

A very practical wish, we must say. We all know shopping online is a gamble sometimes, and what you get is not always what the seller promises.

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Image credit: Huỳnh Nhã Di

On another occasion, Nhã Di tipped him a cup of tea, and on his next delivery, the man returned the favor by buying her a drink.

Be nice to your delivery drivers

A lot of delivery drivers come from humble beginnings, but in general, they have a reputation for being hardworking and honest.

However, due to the new COVID-19 outbreak, many of these men and women are struggling to make ends meet. As such, let’s join hands to help them out.

Even the simplest of acts from our end, such as being punctual to receive our deliveries, or giving them a tip or a cup of water, can go a long way in easing their burdens.

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Cover image adapted from Huỳnh Nhã Di

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