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Man Happily Jumps Rope With Neighbors, Proving That Covid-19 Quarantine Can Be Entertaining

Man jumps rope with neighbors amid Covid-19 distancing

With the whole country practising social distancing amid the Covid-19 outbreak, staying in at all times can feel suffocating.

However, a man in Vietnam found a way to keep himself entertained while staying safe.

He resorted to rope jumping, an activity widely enjoyed by Vietnamese kids in primary schools. 

Here’s how much fun he had. 

Man jumps rope and has a good time

man jumps rope with neighbors
Image adapted from: Tuổi Trẻ Cười/ Phạm Quang

On 27th July, a video was unearthed on Tuổi Trẻ Cười, capturing a senior citizen jumping rope happily with his female neighbors as turners.

As the turners turned the rope at a medium pace, the man jumped through it happily.

However, the rope hit his foot after several jumps and he was eliminated from the game. 

man jumps rope with neighbors
Image adapted from: Tuổi Trẻ Cười/ Phạm Quang

Before he got out, he even blamed the turner for turning the rope unfairly.

man jumps rope with neighbors
Image adapted from: Tuổi Trẻ Cười/ Phạm Quang

After jumping, he got tired and breathed heavily as he sat down. However, he couldn’t help grinning from ear to ear, looking like he had a really good time.

Netizens are amused

Impressed at the man’s initiative in having fun during the pandemic, some netizens have expressed their wistful longing for such an entertaining and wholesome game. 

man jumps rope with neighbors
Image adapted from: Tuổi Trẻ Cười

Reader Chiến commented, “At this age, he jumped rope for fun, not in a competitive way like he used to when he was a kid so he must have really enjoyed it.” 

man jumps rope with neighbors
Image adapted from: Tuổi Trẻ Cười

“Every time I visit the countryside and see the kids jumping ropes, I ask to join them,” reader Giangg could totally relate to the man’s joy in jumping rope.

man jumps rope with neighbors
Image adapted from: Tuổi Trẻ Cười

“I really enjoy this game. You should do it as long as you’re happy,” reader Hữu Vy commented.

We should do things that make us happy

Just because we’re adults or senior citizens, it doesn’t mean that we have to take everything in life seriously and make it all about work and responsibilities. 

As long as we do things that make us happy while staying safe, we should do it regardless of what other people think. 

Hopefully, the man in the story will regain his strength, improve his jumping skills, and come back into the game stronger.

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Cover image adapted from: Image adapted from: Tuổi Trẻ Cười/ Phạm Quang
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