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Dog Helps Hawker Collect Money, Netizens Wonder Who’s The Boss

Working dog collects money for owner

There are different kinds of dogs, such as companion dogs and working dogs. Companion dogs make great snuggle buddies, while working dogs are trained to do specific tasks. 

Some dogs are trained to hunt down criminals, while some to collect money for big bosses amid COVID-19 social distancing. That’s exactly what the most influential dog on TikTok for the past 2 days did – taking cash from guests while its boss was preparing take-out food

Here’s how the story unfolds.

Dog collects money from guests buying take-out food

dog collects money
Image adapted from: jungho390

On 12th June, footage showing a dog in an eatery running back and forth to collect payments from guests buying take-outs surfaced on TikTok page jungho390 with a caption, “Who’s the boss here?”.

Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, all F&B venues have had to switch to offering take-outs or home deliveries. To maintain social distancing, the eatery owner had her entrance barricaded with tables and was seen staying behind her cooking cart the whole time.

dog collects money
Image adapted from: jungho390

To minimize her contact with her guests, she sent her dog to collect payments from them. All she had to do was to point at the guest, and the loveable creature would go to the exact person to collect the cash. When the guests handed the monetary notes out, it quickly snatched the notes and ran back to its owner.

dog collects money
Image adapted from: jungho390

Netizens are wowed by the dog’s resourcefulness

Ever since the footage was shared on TikTok, it has garnered over 8 million views and over 700,000 likes. Many netizens praise the dog for its resourcefulness, while some can’t help but compare it with their own dogs.

dog collects money
Image adapted from: jungho390

TikTok user HaLing left a comment that every dog owner can relate to, “Other people’s dogs can bring them money. Mine sleeps 25 hours per day, takes away my slippers, and chases chickens.”

dog collects money
Image adapted from: jungho390

“This employee takes bones instead of wages.” TikTok user Huỳnh An M&E pointed out this fur employee’s most desirable trait.

Dog collects money amid for restaurateur amid COVID-19

The restaurateur and her dog have set an excellent example of adapting to the new normal by keeping their business running in conformity with safety protocols

Hopefully, the dog can be hired as a full-time employee in the restaurant even after the restrictions have been lifted.

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Cover image adapted from:jungho390

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