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Young Adults Wreck Children’s Park After Entry Is Denied, Police Investigate Bizarre Case

15 men allegedly wreck the children’s park due to comments about age

While most amusement parks in Vietnam welcome both adults and children, some set pretty clear age restrictions. For those among us who enjoy thrilling rides followed by a popsicle or two, nothing hurts more than getting denied entry into an amusement park. Or worse, being told point-blank that, “You’re too old for that.”

When most of us can’t have fun in a certain place, we simply go somewhere else. However, the young men at an amusement park in this story reacted by losing control over their emotions, trashing the park, and eventually getting themselves arrested.

Security guard allegedly told the young men they were “too old” to enter

children's park
Image adapted from: Người Lao Động

On 14th April, 28-year-old man Nguyễn Thanh Hùng and his 14 friends visited a children’s park in Chợ Gạo Ward, Tiền Giang Province, for a fun day out.

Seeing that Hùng and his friends were past the recommended age for visitors, the security guard refused to let them in. According to Người Lao Động, the guard allegedly called them “too old”, and tried to send them on their way.

Offended by the frank security guard’s comments, Hùng picked up his phone and called the owner of the children’s park.

Young adults wreck the children’s park and get arrested

children's park
Image adapted from: THTG

Had Hùng called the park’s owner to convince her to let him and his friends in, things could have turned out quite differently. But he didn’t.

In a response that even the security guard couldn’t see coming, Hùng claimed the park owner owed a member of his family a sum of money over the phone. Unsurprisingly, the owner called his bluff.

Enraged by the unfriendly attitudes of both the park’s owner and the security guard, Hùng and his friends began to destroy the park’s property. The police arrived at the scene shortly after, and decided to arrest the entire group.

At the police station, Hùng and his friends admitted to smashing 3 of the park’s webcams. At the time of writing, police investigations remain underway for the case.

The rules of public venues apply to people from all walks of life

Parks and entertainment facilities are public venues where people from all walks of life and ages can enjoy themselves. Nonetheless, different places have different rules that we should respect.

Children – unlike adults – usually won’t get in trouble with the law if they lose control of their emotions. If we don’t learn to take no for an answer, we might end up paying for more than just our tickets at amusement parks.

As these 15 young adults discovered in this case, a rash decision can turn a fun day out with friends into some quality time with law enforcers instead.

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Cover image adapted from: The Smart Local Vietnam and Người Lao Động 

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