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Singapore Botanic Gardens Photo Journal

Whenever I drove by our beloved Botanic Gardens, the intricate floral gate (called the Tanglin Gate) never fails to attract my attention, never…..I told myself – “I just had to shoot the beautiful wrought iron gate”…it has this unexplainable inviting character to it..sort of beauty in grace. I can picture the sweaty artisans working on the gate long time ago, patiently labouring away at their work of love, hammering and painstakingly teasing each floral motif into shape, their perspiration dripping on the metal as they toiled…(pardon my imagination, hope you don’t find it disgusting…lol)

So when my schedule falls into place a few days ago for a photo-shoot with my photo buddy at the enchanting garden…my mind centered on the gate…and of course the lovely nature among the park. And I must state it’s still pretty as ever (my last visit was at least 3 years ago)….a wonderful testimony and show-piece of our garden city.


Many of us will know the entrance to the park is free… but not many is aware that it’s the “ONLY botanic garden in the world that opens from 5.00am to 12 midnight every single day of the year” (source – Wikipedia).  At least something that good is free … Sweet (^__^)



Flowers so nice and colourful like this helaconia at the Helaconia Valley.. that no one can resist and felt soothed….



It’s not difficult to understand why many love the garden, it’s beautiful…that’s it. At the helaconia garden, you can imbued in vibrant colours…even the sunbird here finds it irresistible (yes, and the flower nectar helped plenty)…



And of course, the seldom seen Oriental Magpie Robin… it’s presence alone give kudos to the park ..



What’s a garden without butterflies, right? Of course…here’s one for you. Always a challenge to take pictures of them…always flipping everywhere…never stopping long enough for proper composition. So I am lucky here…



It rained earlier that day…and I was rewarded with natural and beautiful sky juice droplets…



In snow countries…you don’t get to see this awesome works of nature for months…so we are truly blessed then…yes, white fluffy snow is beautiful, the temperature seemed heaven for us tropic inhabitants…but multiply that on thick layers…you get skidding cars and closed airports… Just philosophizing… Sorry 🙂



A juvenile water monitor lizard amongst the pond weeds…nature is healthy and finds it way…no need for enhanced baby bonus…



Iron statues at the garden…musing over Chopin’s Polonaise….if only visitors could hear the score..



And yes… the real stuff can heard here… at the Shaw Foundation Symphony Stage – Symphony Lake @ the Palm Valley. Just check online for the schedule : –  usual show time – 6pm-7pm. Bring your picnic baskets and go early…remember.. Must CHoPE ! so you can enjoy CHoPin… (^O^)



Do go early so you enjoy the freshly bloomed flowers… and fresh air…life’s great…



If you are hungry and prefer dining in a refined setting…try the Halia for it’s European – Asian infused cuisines. Check out their web :  The Halia Garden around this restaurant is charming too… and will entertain the nature enthusiasts with it’s unique blooms and rhizomes plant species…really lovely, like the plants below..



Sweet …isn’t it ? spotted behind the Halia Restaurant.


For the orchids lovers…the National Orchid Garden…it’s a paid entry section. Spot many orchids named after renowned personalities here, and the RISIS sales gallery… but for me, more importantly, is the nice restroom with it’s water cooler here.



Or how about a peaceful dating venue…the gardens will arouse the beauty in each other…even across national boundaries…



And of course, nature teaches everyone something…of the cycles of life and it’s significance….



And also nature teaches us the virtue of hardwork…like this carpenter bee busy gathering nectars and pollens… in making hays while the sun shines..



And when you are graduating soon, come back to the garden nature embrace…for a great spot of photography…



Be forewarned…sometimes, “paparazi” can appear at an instant notice…to catch the celebrities…



Which in this case…it was this swan at the Swan Lake…There were only 2 swans at the lake, wished they had taken the government baby bonus more seriously… Or should the park management import foreign talents ? certainly a tad lonely at the lake, I say. Used to have many swans at the lake (during my teens years)…which was really nice…



And last but not least , the amazing work put in by the garden workers…so that beauty remains so..for all to see and savour…just as in my pics, which I hope readers will enjoy. Do enjoy our garden soon…wonder if should the park really secures UNESCO certification…will it be still free ???

My blog pictures cover only a small portion of our beloved 74 hectare garden…any latest info can be checked online… but ONE thing remains in order to enjoy it –  make a trip there to partake in that beauty… Soon. Rather than later.