Innocence – A photo journal on the youth of our nation
A carefree time of freedom before social conditioning extends its grasp. Where days are ruled by spontaneity and arbitrary whims.
We all fall down, smile, dust yourself off and get back up
A time when being on top of the playground meant you ruled the world
Daddy look at me!
Hanging around the back alley
Monkey-ing around, literally
Two cheeky Tarzans
Reporting to mummy – It’s snowing strofoam
The human hammock
Getting a drink
They are in the purest form they ever will be — free from the pollution of white noise from societal constructs. When chasing friends around void decks and climbing onto playgrounds gave you an adrenaline rush, when you are able to find fun even in the most ridiculous of things like styrofoam. They hold on to a childlike wonder that we have lost and will never regain.
Shot with: Cannon 60D