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5 Green Tea Benefits Most People Are Unaware Of

Health benefits of green tea


Being healthy can be such a chore. You’re either dragging yourself down to the gym or glumly staring down a bowl of lettuce leaves, but whatever it is, a healthy lifestyle doesn’t come easy.

Take the first step by drinking green tea – it’s filled with antioxidants called catechin to help combat diseases and ageing. From delaying memory loss to keeping your skin supple, here are 5 benefits of drinking green tea:


1. Keeps your skin young and glowing


Green tea benefits - young skin

Skincare products with green tea extract are a dime a dozen these days, but there’s nothing like drinking green tea for a wrinkle-free, smooth complexion. Treat it as part of your daily skincare routine since catechins help revive dying skin cells.

Bonus: dip a cotton pad into a cup of green tea and apply directly to skin like a toner – this helps reduce any sun damage.


2. Gives you a brighter smile


For anyone who fears visiting the dentist, stock up on green tea now. Our teeth are generally filled with gunk and bacteria but green tea will help reduce the risk of gum disease and tooth cavities. Once again, we have catechins to thank: they’re super effective in soothing inflammations.


3. Helps burn fat


Green tea benefits - lose weight

But of course, working out has its own fair share of benefits too.

A cup of green tea has a mix of catechins and caffeine – the perfect combo to speed up your metabolism. For anyone who’s ever been on a diet, you’ll know that targeting certain areas for weight loss just doesn’t work. But for some magical reason, drinking green tea helps lose a ton of belly fat!


4. Delays memory loss


Benefits of green tea - memory

Image credit: @atty.ginda

Physical appearance aside, green tea also keeps our minds sharp. If your memory’s often compared to one of a goldfish, then a cup of freshly-brewed green tea is the perfect antidote since it improves your short-term memory. Catechins also help in the long-term, by warding off Alzheimer’s and dementia.


5. Helps relieve stress


Green tea benefits - relieves stress

Whether you’re in office struggling with tight deadlines or mugging for exams, we’re always dealing with some form of unwanted stress. Well, drink up: 5 cups of green tea a day will improve psychological health. Catechins will also help clear your mind and calm all anxious feelings.  


Benefits of catechin – antioxidants in green tea


Benefits of green tea - catechins in green tea

There’s nothing like a soothing cup of green tea to sip on, especially when it provides plenty of health benefits – each cup contains approximately 25 to 30mg of catechins. Whether you’re trying to destress, improve your memory, or shed a few kilograms, drinking green tea is an easy way to kickstart a healthy lifestyle.

After all, the Japanese drink plenty of green tea and have the longest life expectancies in the world – coincidence? We think not.

This post was brought to you by Sapporo Holdings.