I understand the TSL team just returned recently from a paradisaical outing to W Maldives…and I believe the natural Maldivian beauty will linger on their memory for some time to come…if not forever. It’s with this that triggered my own memories of my trip in 2002 to Angsana Tree Ihuru Atoll, Maldives.
And to date, I still hold dear the sweet memories of our sojourn on that amazingly gorgeous pretty atoll. Nothing quite top that experience…nothing yet. Angsana Tree Ihuru is pat of the Banyan Tree Resort and supposed to be a scaled down “budget” resort. But I can say one thing… budget does not figure in beauty…and you get rewarded copiously at the Ihuru North Atoll.
I remember having paid S$1700/per pax for 3D2N stay at this blissful peace of heaven…and that’s in 2002 and excludes the airfare, which sets one back about another S$1000+. And to make the “damage” deeper…it’s only night flight as it lands about 2200hrs (Malé time), after a 4.5 hours flight. That effectively clips a day off paradise …boo hoo hoo :”-( …
The current price for a night stay at Angsana Tree Ihuru goes for about S$900++ , so that like S$1000/night after taxes… I don’t really like talking about money…but with the Maldives, everything comes at a price, albeit a hefty one. Please excuse me on the money issue…but for most of us, the scarcity of it implies that much planning must be done and the opportunity costs…A 3D2N there can gives you a great long week in Japan with onsen, snow and sushi thrown in… But on reflection, was it worth it? I would say Yes! with a capital letter Y.
No checking in needed… just be welcomed in by your assigned guest relation officer…
Our villa…look at the sea…right through…. oh my ! ……
Our Beachfront Villa…it was cosy cosy…yes cosy cosy. During that time…no TV or WIFI were provided. It is now…but frankly…rather do without it…
I would love to wake up to this daily…everyone would want it too….But :”-(
The island private yacht… guest get welcomed at the Malé airport, driven to the port and board the yacht for a 20-25min cruise to the atoll … cold scented towels and drink provided enroute…sweet intro to heaven I say….
Calendar perfect scenery….the skies was really blue…but made a little more blue by a polariser filter fitted on my lens… don’t mean to exaggerate the colours…just can’t resist
The great healthy coral beds just at the resort jetty…. You can snorkel whole day long and not get bored…but sun block highly recommended, of course.
You can idle here whole day…the sight is just amazing…..to say the least…
We “pilfered” bread from breakfast…and recycle it by feeding the countless mullets and reef fishes at the jetty…it’s one of the stay highlight…
Swirling schools of jacks..where did I shot this? Just right under the jetty..in 5-6 feet of water! It was the most unbelievable moment as a marine world lover…imagine snorkeling here…with loads & loads of these fishes swishing past you…. the experience is indescribable ….
A tridachna…giant clam…one of many at the reef… typical of healthy reef.
My wife was expecting our 1st baby during the trip… at 4 months into the trimesters….sort of “last couple’s trip” before the baby comes…
Another therapeutic moments at the atoll is feeding the resident chickens…yes…mobile live pre-KFC chickens…we are talking free range here :)…. Guess what? the chickens fulfilled an important eco-role at the atoll..they feed on the ants ! no need for chemical treatment ! The Angsana Tree Ihuru adopts green motion throughout the resort. Never bite what feeds you…
Beauty at the Riveli bar… you don’t need liquor…you will be intoxicated by the natural beauty…
Meals at the resort are really sumptuous…. while not “top-end”…nonetheless superbly executed and memorable…understand plenty of organic food used…
If you are not into sweet desserts….you will here….
The resort jetty at night…you will want to stay here…romance is a given…
The resort adopts proactive green initiatives…apart from turtles conservation, the resident marine biologists also rigged up the atoll fringe with metal cages charged with low electric current. The coral polyps attach itself and thrives around the reef… awesome human-nature partnership…
Scuba diving is really the main draw at Maldives… logged my 70+ dives here
Cute juvenile lion fish at Mardifaru Reef… the abalones sites were awesome…zero tolerance for anyone pilfering abalones around here…big fines for those caught removing the abalones….
Another awesome activity…petting “resident” stingrays…at the Banyan Tree jetty. At between 230pm-4pm daily…wild stingrays swim to the jetty for free food…not good to feed really ..as it affects their natural behaviour.. but I’m not complaining here… it was out of this world !
The Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru… just a 5min boat ride across the Angsana Tree… a top end resort…
You can take in this nature wonder….of the rising sun at Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru atoll…everyday and die happy….pardon me…(^__^) it’s that lovely…
Much has changed since our last trip there… for the latest, do check our Angsana Tree Ihuru website : http://www.angsana.com/en/maldives_ihuru/ …I am sure you will want visit this piece of heaven sometime in your life…please don’t hesitate…seize the moment.
P.S – All pictures in this blog are copyrighted top Jensen Chua. It’s shot on negative film and recopied digitally. Please pardon me for the less than good quality.