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Vietnamese Teacher Wears Áo Dài With Vietnam’s Flag Pattern To School On Reopening Day, Taking Patriotism To The Next Level

Vietnamese teachers wear áo dài with flag pattern

Patriotism is a Vietnamese value that is passed on to children at a young age at school. Saluting the country’s flag and singing the national anthem every Monday is a routine that can be seen in all public schools across Vietnam.

In fact, the ceremony has such a special place in the hearts of students that even when schools in Vietnam were closed for several months due to the COVID-19 outbreak, many still took to online platforms to participate in it.

Now, with the pandemic under control and schools reopening again since last Monday, a Vietnamese teacher has taken patriotism to the next level. On the first day back in class, she wore an áo dài with patterns resembling the Vietnamese flag. She even gifted masks with the same patterns to all students in her class as well.

An act of patriotism

The teacher in the story is Mdm Nguyễn Hạnh Nguyên, who is teaching a class of 30 second-grade students at the Thạch Bình Primary School in the northern province of Ninh Bình.

On the first day of returning to school after the break, she wore a red áo dài with a yellow star pattern placed on the chest, resembling the Vietnamese flag.

With a yellow star placed on a red background, Mdm Nguyên’s áo dài resembles the Vietnam flag.
Image credit: Nguyễn Hạnh Nguyên

Moreover, as schools are asking students to wear masks as a precaution measure, Mdm Nguyên went the extra mile and made masks with the same flag pattern to gift to all students in her class as well.

She also gifted her students masks with the same patterns
Image credit: Nguyễn Hạnh Nguyên

Teaching her students about COVID-19 with infographics

Pictures shared by Mdm Nguyên on her Facebook page also showed her using hand-drawn colorful infographics to teach her students about COVID-19.

Image credit: Nguyễn Hạnh Nguyên

According to Mdm Nguyên, as her students are young, she has found that teaching them using visual demonstration is the most effective method. She hopes that her actions will give her students a better understanding of the pandemic and teach them how to protect themselves as well as the community.

Netizens are impressed

Mdm Nguyên’s act of patriotism and dedication to her students has impressed many netizens.

A Facebook user who goes by Đinh Thanh commented, “Incredible! Wishing you and your students good health to finish the rest of the school year with joy and success.”

Image credit: Nguyễn Hạnh Nguyên

Another netizen nicknamed Hoài Thương wrote, “So cool. Parents must be so reassured looking at this.”

Image credit: Nguyễn Hạnh Nguyên

Patriotic Vietnamese teacher wears Vietnamese flag patterned áo dài

After a long time of being stuck at home due to the nationwide social distancing policy, it seems students and teachers alike are thrilled to be back at school and be reunited with their friends.

Many have also taken the opportunity to come up with creative preventive measures to turn the chore of wearing masks into something to have a good laugh over. With such positivity, hopefully they’ll be able to quickly catch up to missing lessons and pass the final exams with flying colors.

For more COVID-19 stories, check out:

Cover image adapted from Nguyễn Hạnh Nguyên

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