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Vietnam Sets Record Of 5,926 Covid-19 Cases On 18th July, Hanoi Tightens Safety Restrictions

Vietnam recorded >5,000 Covid-19 cases in 24 hours

On 18th July, Vietnam recorded a total number of 5,926 Covid-19 cases, the highest ever since the latest outbreak struck. 

Since 27th April, the country has recorded a total of 51,471 Covid-19 cases, according to Suc Khoe Doi Song.

Vietnam sees a record-breaking daily Covid-19 increment

Vietnam COVID-19
Vietnam is seeing a steady rise in Covid-19 cases daily
Image credit: Thanh Nien

Covid-19 cases have spiked,  hitting 4-digit daily figures across Vietnam, especially in Ho Chi Minh City, the epicenter of the latest outbreak.

As of 18th July, Saigon reported over 4,000 locally acquired infections. 

This morning, the city has recorded 1,535 cases, most of which are found in quarantine facilities.

The recent increase in new recorded infections has been attributed to enhanced testing capacity and the quarantining of new clusters. 

Vietnam COVID-19
Image credit: Afamily 

Fearing that the health system in Ho Chi Minh City may be overwhelmed at any time, many residents have rushed to buy oxygen concentrators and ventilators. 

Vietnam COVID-19
Image credit: Vietnamplus

However, the Ministry of Health (MoH) has strictly warned against this practice. 

“The Ministry of Health and Ho Chi Minh City guarantee that we don’t lack breathing machines. Residents shouldn’t buy and reserve ventilators because it’s a waste of money and you don’t know how to operate them properly and effectively. Besides, panic buying these machines will create a shortage of oxygen supplies. If we have Covid-19 patients who really need ventilators, we will have a difficult time finding them.” Dr Nguyen Trong Khoa from MOH told Nguoi Lao Dong

Hanoi reinforces safety measures as new Covid-19 cases emerge

Vietnam COVID-19
Image credit: Nguoi Lao Dong

So far, 19 provinces and cities in southern Vietnam have been placed on the highest level of restrictions to curb the spread of Covid-19. 

This alarming response to the latest outbreak has added a fresh sense of emergency to the remaining cities and provinces, including Hanoi. 

Over the past few days, the capital city has seen the emergence of community cases.

Determined to avoid an escalating outbreak, Hanoi leaders have suspended all non-essential businesses, just a few days after letting them reopen. 

Starting from 19th July, all Hanoi residents shall work from home and remain indoors as much as possible. Gatherings of over 5 people in public places are banned, and people must keep a distance of at least 2 meters from one another. 

F&B businesses can still sell take-outs. Nonetheless, the MoH has advised residents to resort to home delivery for maximum safety. 

Stay safe and don’t panic buy

3 months into the 4th Covid-19 outbreak, we’re seeing more and more parts of the country being stricken and placed on the highest restrictions.

At this point, we don’t know how long the daily spike will continue. 

It’s hard not to be concerned about the situation, when nearly the whole southern part of Vietnam has closed its borders because of coronavirus. Nonetheless, rest assured that the government is making a concerted effort to strengthen emergency responses. 

The government is going into overdrive to provide adequate supplies of fresh produce, oxygen generators, as well as vaccines. Therefore, let’s stay home whenever possible and avoid panic buying so that everyone can have equal access to basic necessities.  

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Cover image adapted from: Thanh Nien 

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