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Medical Staff Wear Cute Signs On PPE, Asking People Not To Be Mad At Them

Medical staff display cute note on their PPE to ask for citizens’ sympathy

While we all appreciate the sacrifices of medical workers, let’s face it: probably few of us want to see them at our doorsteps. Nothing against these heroes in white, but their presence signal that something is wrong – that someone in our area has been infected with Covid-19, or worse, has passed away.

That, combined with all the difficulties caused by the pandemic, means everyone seems to be on edge more than usual. Perhaps that’s why sometimes people treat medical staff with less tolerance than they would normally, snapping at them over small issues.

Some medical workers in Đà Nẵng, however, have come up with a simple but effective idea to deal with the problem. Simply by displaying a note with a cute message on the back of their protective suits, they’ve relieved a lot of the tension.

Here’s what the note says.

The note explains that the medical staff aren’t yelling at citizens, but simply speaking loudly through their masks

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Many medical workers in Đà Nẵng wear a note on the back of their protective suit

Image credit: Thanh Niên

The past few weeks have been rough for Đà Nẵng residents. Since the beginning of August, the city has shut down all non-essential activities, and citizens must have valid reasons – such as shopping for groceries or medical supplies – to go out.

Then on the 16th, security measures were further tightened, and even trips to grocery shops are prohibited. Basically, we’re required to stay home at all times, our only chance to go out is to medical facilities to get mass tested.

And it would seem the frustration of being cooped up at home and of having to wait outside under the summer heat to get tested have really got into some people, prompting them to look for quarrels when there are none. There are cases where people get displeased with medical workers, thinking they are yelling at them while in fact, the workers simply speak with loud voices to be heard over the tight masks they wear.

To deal with this misunderstanding, medical staff at An Khê Ward, Thanh Khê District, Đà Nẵng, have printed an explanation on pieces of paper to attach to their protective suits for all to see.

The note reads, “We are wearing masks, so we need to speak loudly. We’re not yelling at you. Please don’t be mad at us. We’re trying our best for the community’s sake.”

The cute note was photographed by some residents and shared on the Internet earlier this week, attracting a lot of public attention. Many netizens have expressed sympathy for the struggles public servants are facing and suggested that everyone be more patient with them.

A similar note was also spotted in Saigon

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Image credit: Zing News

It appears medical staff in Đà Nẵng are not the only ones who have to deal with this misunderstanding. A couple of weeks ago, a near-identical sign was spotted hanging on the wall of a vaccination spot in Tân Phú District, Saigon.

According to what a volunteer working at the facility told Zing News, many people who came to get vaccinated couldn’t help but smile at the message, which helped alleviate the tension. Indeed, it’d be hard to get mad after seeing such cuteness.

Be amicable with medical staff

Yes, the pandemic gives all of us a hard time. Our jobs are at stake, our savings dwindle, our supplies running low. But sometimes we forget that medical workers are citizens too, and they’re also dealing with the same problem, on top of working 12-hour shifts on the frontline to keep us safe.

So be more sympathetic toward them. Maybe your queues to Covid-19 tests and vaccines are longer than you’d like, but let’s not lash out against the staff who are just doing their jobs.

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Cover image adapted from Thanh Niên and Zing News

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