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Man Has 6cm Leech Removed From His Nostril After Having Constant Nose Pain

6cm leech found inside man’s nostril

Parasites are an issue not uncommon for us even in this modern age. No matter how careful we are with our diets and lifestyles, sometimes foreign elements can find their way into our bodies without us even realizing.

That said, do make an effort to be careful, or you might find yourself in some particularly gruesome situations, as a man in Nghệ An Province, Vietnam, recently did. He returned from a forest trip with constant pain in his nostril, only to later find a 6cm leech inside it.

Here’s how the story played out.

Doctors find a leech in his nostril after a checkup

Image credit: Dân Trí

Yesterday, Tiền Phong reported on a bizarre medical case that transpired in Nghệ An Province in Central Vietnam.

As the report has it, on 6th December, an 18-year-old man came to a local clinic for a checkup after experiencing constant pain in his left nostril.

But whatever the man thought the cause of his condition was, he probably could never have guessed the truth.

As it turned out, after an examination, it was revealed that the man’s pain came from a 6cm leech that had somehow attached itself inside his nostril.

He got the parasite from a forest trip

leech in nostril 2
Image credit: Tiền Phong

Needless to say, doctors hurried to remove the leech with the help of an endoscope. The process took several minutes as the leech was swollen from feeding on the man’s blood.

Thankfully, there were no further complications. Though the procedure left the man with some bleeding, he was discharged soon after in stable condition.

According to the patient, he’d previously gone on a forest trip and drunk water from a stream, which was likely when the leech found its way into his body unnoticed.

Go to the doctors if you experience abnormal symptoms

Leeches and other such parasites might be unfamiliar to us city folks, but they pose a serious danger to forest dwellers. Perhaps it’d serve the man well to be more careful during his future ventures.

In any case, we’re glad he got treated before things became too serious. Let his case also be a reminder for us all to consult medical experts should we experience any constant irritations. We never know, the cause might turn out to be much more serious than we expect. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

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Cover image adapted from Dân Trí and Tiền Phong

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