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Vietnamese Student Poses For Horror-Themed Yearbook Photos That’ll Send Chills Up Your Spine

Horror-themed yearbook photos

Taking yearbook photos is an experience we only get once, and they are mementos reminding us of some of the best years of our lives. As such, it is understandable that people always come up with unique ways to make their yearbook photos as unique as possible.

We’ve seen Vietnamese high school students penning hilarious quotes to accompany their yearbook photos, and more recently, another student has gone viral for her unique horror-themed shots.

The photo collection was a spontaneous idea

Image credit: Hồ Tiến Đạt

The pictures were taken at the Xuân Hưng High School in Đồng Nai Province by Hồ Tiến Đạt, a photographer living in Hồ Chí Minh City.

Image credit: Hồ Tiến Đạt

According to Đạt, he didn’t plan the idea beforehand, but only came up with it spontaneously on the day itself. The weather was dark and rainy, which, combined with the school setting, made for a perfect backdrop for a horror-themed photoshoot session.

And indeed, pictures of a schoolgirl in a white áo dài sitting in a dimly lit classroom corner with her face hidden in the shadow may send a chill up your spine.

Image credit: Hồ Tiến Đạt

In another shot, the girl is seen on a dark staircase. With the long ao dai covering her feet, she looks as if she’s floating.

Image credit: Hồ Tiến Đạt

Meanwhile, this photo of the girl sitting in a defeated pose, as scary as it looks, prompted many comments joking that she’s probably under the pressure of studying, or maybe that her crush rejected her.

Image credit: Hồ Tiến Đạt

“Ghosts get depressed from studying too. It’s no joke,” netizen Lan Anh commented.

Image credit: Lan Anh

Netizens are impressed

The photos impressed thousands of netizens when they were shared by Facebook user Hoàng Kha on Trường Người Ta, a forum about interesting school-related stories. Many people are tagging their friends to say they should do something similar for their own photoshoots.

Image credit: Hoàng Kha

The blood-curdling vibe of the shots has not deterred commenters from making quips about them either. Netizen Nhung Nguyễn, for instance, joked, “Having to take yearbook photos when you’re insecure about your face be like…”

Image credit: Hoàng Kha

And while the model’s face is shrouded, a lot of netizens are still impressed by her beautiful figure. Facebook user Minh Hoàng says, “This ghost looks finer than my girlfriend”.

Image credit: Hoàng Kha

Meanwhile, netizen Lê Quốc Anh claims that if he were to run into a ghost that looks like this, he’d willingly let it take him.

Image credit: Hoàng Kha

Horror-themed yearbook photos

Nobody wants to take yearbook pictures on a gloomy day. Sure, we can go indoor, but all the cheeky poses we’ve planned with our friends just wouldn’t be complete without the bright sunlight adding to the atmosphere.

But Tiến Đạt has proven that with some creativity, you can turn a less-than-ideal situation into something awesome. The unconventional theme no doubt made this student’s yearbook photos a whole lot more special. We have to give kudos for the photographer for thinking on his feet to come up with an out-of-the-box solution.

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Cover image adapted from Hồ Tiến Đạt

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