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Bored Vietnamese Home Owners Gave Their Home Next-Level Revamps While Social Distancing During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Vietnamese revamp homes while in quarantine

As part of the prevention measures to contain the outbreak of COVID-19, all Vietnamese were requested to stay at home as much as possible. Even though the government has relaxed social distancing rules, much of public life will remain shut down until further notice.

Being cooped up at home for nearly a month can be depressing, especially for those who enjoy being busy. Too creative to sit still, many handy Vietnamese with admirable designing skills have put the social distancing period to good use by giving their living environment a makeover.

Creative lighting placements

In NGHIỆN NHÀ, a Facebook group made up of members who share a common interest in interior design and renovation, many netizens have posted photos flaunting their fancy home upgrades amid COVID-19.

In a post that has garnered over 50,000 likes at the time of writing, Facebook user Nguyễn Minh Đức shared stunning photos of his DIY home makeover projects and informative tips on home designs.

home lighting
The mezzanine and the floor below are lit up in red and blue lights, respectively
Image adapted from:
Nguyễn Minh Đức‎

Nguyễn Minh Đức, a camera operator and a lover of color design, attributed the rapid completion of his home makeover project to mandatory social distancing.

He revealed that most of his lighting accessories were ordered online from home decor suppliers on TIKI, Facebook, Shopee, and Instagram. To spare himself the burden of moving around to adjust the light, he invested in a Xiaomi Yeelight sensor light with Google Home voice control, which lets him control lights with his voice alone.

home lightingImage credit: Nguyễn Minh Đức‎

Each corner of his living space is lit up with different lighting effects, giving the room a dreamy and relaxing touch.

Give your space an updated look on a budget

Apart from using colourful lighting, giving your house a fresh coat of paint or gracing them with some decorative items are also some of the simplest ways to enhance the aesthetics of your living space.

Đại Tài, another member of the group, shared his cost-effective home rejuvenation too, and tips on how he did it.

home makeover
Image adapted from: Đại Tài‎

After knowing that the government would extend the mandatory social distancing period for another 7 days, from 15th April to 22nd April, Dai Tai dove right into the transformation of his run-down abode.

He started by giving it a new coat of paint and installing laminate wood flooring, which costs only VND150,000 (USD5.20) per square meter.

While he wasn’t able to afford a new window frame, he managed to gloss over its imperfection by putting curtains over it, which also gave the space a larger sense of proportion.

To add a cozy touch to the room, he bought a new bed drape, a hanging photo, and some candles.

home renovation gif
Image adapted from: Đại Tài‎

Most of his items are ordered from Lazada and Shopee, e-commerce platforms in Vietnam with affordable products.

Netizens are super inspired to get started

Home makeover photos posted in the group have won plaudits from its members.

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Image credit: Đại Tài

“It’s incredible that minor adjustments can produce such a dramatic change in appearance,” Nguyễn Thanh Thủy expressed her wonder at the power of simple replacements in the comment section of the post.

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Image credit: Nguyễn Minh Đức‎

Thu Huyen commented, “If this were my living space, I wouldn’t mind being cooped up at home for the entire year.”

But netizens didn’t just heap praises in the comments section. Some asked for information about the household objects featured in the photos.

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Image credit: Đại Tài

“Can you tell me where you bought this end table?” Facebook user Thu Trà commented on a video of Đại Tài‎.

Put your social distancing period to good use

As a saying goes, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

We can all choose how we face the COVID-19 crisis. The nationwide social distancing period and shutdown of public life has upset the lives of many people and put our plans on hold. But if being confined at home is what it takes to keep us safe and bring us closer to our normal lives soon, it’s well worth it.

Instead of feeling frustrated, you can put your time at home to good use by engaging in activities you didn’t have much time for before social distancing. Be it giving your home a makeover, doing chores, or bonding with your family, let’s make the most out of it.

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Cover image adapted from: Đại Tài‎

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