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Grandma Puts Safety Signs In Her House For Family To Eat, Pray, & Walk Correctly

Adorable grandma puts safety signs around her house

Whether you’re on the roads, in a hospital, or at a construction site, you’ll find signs that remind you of the safety hazards. Thanks to the warnings and instructions on the signs, you can make informed decisions.

Believing that signs can help her family develop healthy habits, a grandma in Vietnam decided to place safety signs all over her house. From cooking to walking, visitors will find instructions on how to to lead wholesome lives – and maybe even a tip or two on how to receive salvation.

Grandma proves that precautions can be fun

In a hilarious post on a Facebook group Cháo Hành Miễn Phí, Facebook user Nga Hoang shared photos of safety signs taped all over her house. According to Nga Hoang, these signs are devised and printed by her grandmother, who has gone the extra mile to show her concern for her family members.

grandma safety signs
Image credit: Nga Hoang

The moment you reach the staircase, what stands out is a sign that says, “Watch for the steps lest you slip” and “Stay close to the wall”.

grandma safety signs
Image credit: Nga Hoang

At first glance, we may wonder if the grandma placed the signs to remind herself to be careful. But this wasn’t her only intention.

“We have small kids in the house who often slip as they walk the stairs. That’s why my grandma made these signs to remind them to be careful. However, they are all in kindergarten and haven’t learned to read yet,” Nga Hoang explained in her caption.

grandma safety signsImage credit: Nga Hoang

Aside from being a doting grandma, the elderly lady is also a law-abiding citizen. Right at the doors, visitors will find a sign that looks similar to those you often come across at police stations.

“When you’re on the roads, remember to wear face masks and helmets. Otherwise, you’ll face a fine of VND1-2 million.” the sign reads.

Image adapted from: Nga Hoang

To make sure that her family members are safe and secure, she also takes on the role of a law enforcer.

In another sign, the matriarch declared, “You are forbidden to charge your phone overnight. You shall unplug your chargers when not using them.”

Probably knowing that she was sounding a bit imposing, she went on to add the rationale for her request: “because children might put charger cords in their mouths”.

grandma's safety signs
Image credit: Nga Hoang

Like most health-conscious and God-fearing nanas, this grandma also seemed bent on ensuring that her family are saved in every way possible.

She came up with 8 “commandments” that remind her family members to refrain from drinking ice water, eating too many sweets, and savoring too much oily food. The rules also include using less seasoning while cooking. Her family is also reminded to drink at least 2 litres of water every day and to exercise regularly.

While the above-mentioned are important health tips, the devout grandma saved the best for last, “Thou shalt pray to God day and night.” 

Netizens react to these grandma’s safety signs

These signs have garnered rave reviews from other netizens, who find the grandma’s attention to detail and meticulousness interesting.

grandma safety signs
Image adapted from: Nga Hoang

Facebook user Hằng Hà made a perceptive comment, “The signs look fun. But if you look closer, you’ll see the big heart of a doting mother who’s always concerned about her loved ones’ safety.”

grandma safety signs
Image adapted from: Nga Hoang

“The line that reminds her family to pray earnestly warmed my heart. May God bless your family.” Facebook user Nguyễn Quỳnh commented.

grandma safety signs
Image adapted from: Nga Hoang

Facebook user Nguyễn Như recounted her similar experience with a sign-loving mother, “My mom was trying to lose weight, so she printed and taped signs that read ‘DIET’ all over the house, from our wardrobes to the dining table to the bathrooms. However, visitors to my home thought that the signs spelled ‘DIỆT’, which means ‘destroy’ in Vietnamese. They must have misunderstood that our house is a gang’s base with this slogan. That’s why my mother had to remove all of the signs before she could lose any pounds.”

Grandma sets serious yet hilarious house rules

Living under the same roof is not easy, since we’re all a little different from our loved ones. We think this grandma in the story has done a great job of setting out household rules and making her expectations clear. 

While her words of wisdom via her numerous signs can come across as imposing, they are heartwarming reminders for everyone to stay safe, and an outlet for nana to show that she truly cares about their well-being. 

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Cover image adapted from: Nga Hoang

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