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Fireman On COVID-19 Duty Finally Returns Home, His Kids Can’t Contain Their Joy

Fireman on COVID-19 duty gets adorable welcome from kids

The resurgence of COVID-19 in Vietnam has no doubt given us all a hard time. But if you can still hold your family and loved ones close, do appreciate that. The same cannot be said for many public servants on the frontline who are fighting to keep us safe.

For this fireman who had to spend a week on COVID-19 duty away from his family, his morale probably remains high. After all, he has two wonderful sons who showered him with hugs and affection upon his return.

A recording of the adorable welcome the kids showed their father has melted netizens’ hearts left, right, and center.

Kids welcome fireman by rushing into his embrace

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Video credit: Thánh Tiên

Nguyễn Tiến Thanh is a fireman working in Hai Bà Trưng District, Hanoi. As the capital city is threatened by a new wave of COVID-19, he was called upon to assist in disease prevention efforts. Earlier this May, he had to spend 1 week away from home to carry out his duties.

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Video credit: Thánh Tiên

Upon his return, the man took to his Facebook and TikTok pages to share a video of the cutest welcome he received from his children.

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Video credit: Thánh Tiên

In it, a boy is seen excitedly exclaiming, “Daddy’s home!”, as he rushed into the waiting arms of his father, who had just entered through the door.

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Video credit: Thánh Tiên

His younger brother, who couldn’t have been older than two by the looks of him, followed suit, still carrying a teddy bear in his hand.

Netizens are touched by his sons’ reaction

Thanh’s story was later shared by the popular Facebook forum Beatvn, moving many netizens.

Commenting on Beatvn’s post, a man named Huỳnh Văn Hiệp noted, “the little one knocked me out with his running pose’s cuteness.”

Image credit: Huỳnh Văn Hiệp

Meanwhile, many found the scene touching. Facebook user Trang Ngô wrote, “watching this brought tears to my eyes,” a sentiment shared by several others.

Image credit: Trang Ngô

Perhaps the innocent affection the kids showed their father reminded them of their own loved ones.

Let’s help fend off the pandemic so public servants can go home

Every parent with young kids probably knows how hard it is to have to spend time away from them. We’re also glad that Thanh has been reunited with his children.

But let’s not forget that there are still thousands out there – COVID-19 frontliners and patients – who haven’t seen their children for weeks.

If we chip in help with nationwide disease prevention efforts, perhaps public service members just like Thanh will be able to go home soon.

Each time we adhere to mask requirements in public places, or make health declarations before travelling, is a contribution to ease their burdens.

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Cover image adapted from Thánh Tiên

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