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Đà Nẵng Volunteers Set Up Charity Kitchen To Provide Food To Quarantine Facilities

Đà Nẵng volunteers set up charity kitchen

As the city most heavily hit by the second wave of COVID-19 community transmission, Đà Nẵng is currently Vietnam’s frontline in the fight against the pandemic. In just less than 2 weeks, the city has registered nearly 200 cases of infection, prompting authorities to put it under a citywide social distancing period to prevent the virus from spreading.

As most businesses are ordered to shut down, the financial status of many residents has no doubt taken a hit. However, that hasn’t stopped this group of volunteers from setting up a charity kitchen to provide food to medical workers and patients at quarantine facilities.

3,000 food portions daily

Image credit: F&B Tu Te – Danang Kitchen

The charity project, named Danang Kitchen, was kickstarted last Saturday and immediately received wholehearted support from the community. In just less than a week, it’s gotten over VND200,000,000 (~USD8,660) in donations, not counting donated goods and food ingredients.

Image credit: F&B Tu Te – Danang Kitchen

Currently, the team is providing more than 3,000 food portions to medical workers and patients at quarantine facilities in Đà Nẵng on a daily basis.

Danang Kitchen is also crystal clear with its financial affairs, updating a full list of all donors on its official Facebook page every day. It is thanks to this transparency that the group is attracting more and more donors by the day.

Danang Kitchen updates its list of donors on a daily basis
Image credit: F&B Tu Te – Danang Kitchen

Safety measures implemented

Image credit: F&B Tu Te – Danang Kitchen

Thanks to the overwhelming support, Danang Kitchen has managed to set up a second outlet on Wednesday. Moreover, realizing that their activities can lead to gatherings of multiple people, which could pose a threat as there is still COVID-19 community transmission in Đà Nẵng, the organizers have taken steps to ensure the safety of everyone involved.

All volunteers are tested for COVID-19 to minimize the risk of transmission
Image credit: F&B Tu Te – Danang Kitchen

All volunteers are tested for COVID-19, and they are required to wear protective gear such as masks and gloves while making the food.

Volunteers are required to wear protective gear while preparing the food
Image credit: F&B Tu Te – Danang Kitchen

“Thousands of people out there depend on us – on our health – for their food supply,” said Nguyễn Trúc Chi, the project’s initiator.

The food portions are put in bags and delivered by truck to the doorstep of quarantine facilities, where a quarantine area staff member will disinfect the bags before bringing them in.

Video credit: Kevin Nguyen

Charity kitchen provides food for Đà Nẵng frontline workers and patients

Danang Kitchen is not the only charity project going on in Đà Nẵng at the moment. Over the past week, we have heard multiple reports of people volunteering on the frontline, donating supplies to hospitals, or handing out free masks to their fellow neighbors.

As frontline workers are fighting tirelessly to keep us safe, we also need to do what we can to ease their burden. You can contribute to the effort simply by adhering to warnings from the government, wearing a mask in public places, and staying home more.

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Cover image adapted from F&B Tu Te – Danang Kitchen

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