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Students Take Yearbook Photos In Hazmat Suits & Masks To Help Prevent Covid-19

Students use yearbook photos to promote Covid-19 prevention messages

Many of us have high school yearbooks that we sometimes peruse to reminisce about our fond memories. These said yearbooks were also probably the fruit of heated discussions to make them stand out from the ones from the classes next door.

Though we have no doubt that your yearbook photos are unique in their own ways, we raise you one from students at a high school in Quảng Ngãi Province. Donning protective suits and masks, they’ve created a trendy photo album to spread Covid-19 prevention messages.

Here’s how their creativity has inspired the community.

The students pose for their yearbook in protective suits and masks

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Image credit: Huy Nguyen

The unique album comes courtesy of a class of students at Tư Nghĩa High School No. 2, located in Tư Nghĩa District, Quảng Ngãi Province.

Thanks to having implemented early preventive measures, Quảng Ngãi has done a good job of containing the latest Covid-19 outbreak in Vietnam. Currently, citizens of the province are enjoying relative safety, where schools, workplaces, and public facilities are operating as per normal.

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Image credit: Huy Nguyen

As such, students decided to don masks and protective suits over their uniforms for their yearbook photos, as a way to pay tribute to medical workers on the frontline.

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Image credit: Huy Nguyen

Several of the shots also show them posing with the Vietnamese flag and a poster displaying the government’s “5K Message”.

Image credit: Huy Nguyen

For context, “5K” is a message devised by the Vietnamese government to sum up all the steps citizens need to do during a Covid-19 outbreak in a short, concise way. They include Khẩu Trang (Masks), Khử Khuẩn (Disinfect), Khoảng Cách (Maintain Distance), Không Tụ Tập (No Gatherings), and Khai Báo Y Tế (Making Health Declarations).

And indeed, it seems the students’ messages have been well-received, as their photos have captured a fair amount of attention from the community.

Covid-19 yearbook photos are capturing attention online

Image credit: Huy Nguyen

The album was recently shared by its photographer Huy Nguyen on Trường Người Ta – a Vietnamese Facebook group of all things school-related – delighting fellow students from all over the country.

While many netizens wonder if the students would be able to tell each other’s masked faces apart 10 years from now, some – such as commenter Nguyễn Trang – think it’s a good idea as “they didn’t have to worry about makeup and dress codes”.

Image credit: Nguyễn Trang

Trương Công Viện, a member of the class, also quipped in a cheeky answer to the queries, “For those who have trouble telling us apart, I’m the one in the blue protective suit.”

Image credit: Công Viện Trương

While his comment is, of course, meant as a joke, we’re sure the memories of this one-of-a-kind yearbook photo session will stay with them forever.

Students take yearbook photos to deliver Covid-19 prevention messages

On multiple occasions, we’ve seen students display ingenious ideas when it comes to their yearbook photos, and they never fail to impress us. Still, it’s nice to see that this group of students has channelled their creativity into making a meaningful contribution to society.

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Cover image adapted from Huy Nguyen

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