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Vietnam Begins 47th Day Clear Of COVID-19 Community Transmission With 14 New Recoveries, But Illegal Returnees Pose Threat Of New Infections

COVID-19 in Vietnam, update on 2nd June

Today is the 47th day in a row that Vietnam has stayed clear of new COVID-19 transmissions in the community. Since the beginning of the outbreak, the country has seen a total of only 328 COVID-19 cases.

On the other hand, 14 previously-reported patients were declared free of the virus and discharged from hospitals yesterday, bringing Vietnam’s total recovery count to 293.

However, the threat of a new wave of infections remain present in Vietnam. Yesterday evening, the Ministry of Health reported that it had spotted a suspected COVID-19 case illegally entering Vietnam from China via an unmonitored trail. This person has now been quarantined for testing, and the Ministry has urged local authorities to continue practicing preventive measures.

No new cases and 14 recoveries

One of the recovered patients receiving his discharge notice yesterday
Image credit: Dân Trí

14 COVID-19 patients in Vietnam, all of whom were repatriated from other countries in May, have recovered and been discharged from hospitals since our last update yesterday.

13 of these returned from the United Arab Emirates on 3rd May, were quarantined upon arrival, and were hospitalized on 7th May; while 1 came back from Russia on 13th May.

All discharged patients will continue to be monitored in isolation for the next 14 days to spot any complications.

The new 14 recoveries bring Vietnam’s total recovery count to 293. With no new cases reported today, only 35 COVID-19 patients are still receiving treatment across the entire country.

Among the active patients, 7 have tested negative once, and another 10 have had at least 2 negative tests. Only 18 are still showing positive test results for the coronavirus.

Suspected COVID-19 case returned illegally from China

All who enter Vietnam via border gates must be monitored (Photo for illustrative purposes only)
Image credit: Vietnam Government Portal

Yesterday evening, the Ministry of Health reported on a new suspected COVID-19 case who illegally returned from China. According to the report, this 30-year-old woman crossed the Vietnam-China border via an unmonitored trail to enter the Cao Bằng Province on 28th May, then traveled to the Nội Bài Airport in Hanoi, where she took a flight to Tân Sơn Nhất Airport in Hồ Chí Minh City.

The woman was taken into the Hồ Chí Minh City Hospital of Tropical Diseases on 29th May for testing. So far, her first test for COVID-19 has been negative, and the result of her second test is expected to come back today. The city’s authorities are currently tracking other passengers on her flight.

This is not the first unauthorized entry spotted in Vietnam during the COVID-19 pandemic. Previously, several other cases of a similar nature have been reported at various border provinces. In response to the situation, the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control has directed the People’s Committee of Cao Bằng Province to strengthen control over borders and urged people to report to the nearest authority if they spot an illegal returnee.

Vietnam’s COVID-19 update on 2nd June

Vietnam has been welcoming overseas citizens returning to seek shelter from COVID-19 with open arms, but only if they do so according to regulations and serve a mandatory 14-day quarantine period on entry.

These are inconvenient for sure, but it’s thanks to these assertive measures that Vietnamese people have been able to enjoy a safe and relatively normal life while the world is severely affected by the pandemic. Therefore, every one of us should be more responsible for the good of the many.

As the threat of infections is still present, let’s all take the necessary preventive measures such as wearing masks and public and practicing good hygiene to protect ourselves and those around us.

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Cover image adapted from: Dân Trí, Vietnam Government Portal

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