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40-year-old Auntie Scores 27/30 In University Entrance Test, Only Studied For 21 Days

40-year-old lady studies for 3 weeks to participate in university entrance test

Many people say education is for life, and indeed, we always learn new things each day to improve ourselves. But every now and then, we get to see incredible stories of individuals who take that saying to heart and try to live up to it with astounding vigor.

Take the recent case of this Vietnamese auntie as an example. Even at 40 years old, she still signed up for the national university entrance test and managed to get a high score.

Here’s what motivates her to take on such an amazing, if rather unconventional, challenge.

The lady only spent 3 weeks studying for the university entrance exam

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Image credit: Phạm Minh Hòa

The results of Vietnam’s nationwide university entrance exam just came in a few days ago, and with it a myriad of emotions from participants: joy and relief for some, disappointment and regret for others.

But among thousands of students, one figure stands out: Mdm. Nguyễn Thị Thủy, a 40-year-old woman from Hanoi. She took the test with the goal of continuing her unfinished education from 20 years ago.

And it seemed she succeeded. She scored 7.25 in literature, 8.5 in History, 9.0 in Geography, and 9.5 in Civic Education – all scores on a scale of ten. That means between the three social science subjects of History, Geography, and Civic Education, she got a total score of 27 out of 30, a result enough to make many full-time students envious.

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The auntie’s test ID

Image credit: Phạm Minh Hòa

With this, she can comfortably apply to her targeted major of Vietnamese Studies at the Hanoi National University of Education. The major only requires a score of 21.25 across the 3 subjects of Literature, History, and Geography. As Mdm. Thủy got 24.75 in those 3, she’s certainly overqualified.

Amazingly, she achieved all that with only 3 weeks of study prior to the exam day, while still juggling her full-time job as an industrial laborer and doing house chores.

She wanted to pursue the dreams of her youth

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Her test results

Image credit: Phạm Minh Hòa

Explaining the reasons she decided to take on such an unusual task to VNExpress, Mdm. Thủy said making it to university had always been her dream. However, the first time she took the test, when she was 18 years old, she fell 1.5 points short of of the requirement. Coupled with her family’s financial difficulties at the time, she had no choice but to put off her studies.

This year, she decided it was time to reignite that old passion. And as it turned out, it brought her so many meaningful memories.

“I felt as if I got younger, studying and taking the test alongside people my son’s age,” the 40-year-old mother of two told VNExpress.

Concluding her thoughts, Mdm. Thủy also hoped her story would inspire her children and other young minds out there to pursue their education with more determination.

It’s never too late to start pursuing your passion

Mdm. Thủy no doubt met a lot of skepticism when she made her choice, but she persisted and came away with an inspiring story that makes us tip our hats in respect.

We wish her all the best in her future education path. Meanwhile, for all the students out there who didn’t make it this year, take heart. You can always continue to study and do better next time.

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Cover image adapted from Phạm Minh Hòa

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