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Covid-19 Patient Mistakes Doctor For A Ghost, Screams At The Top Of Her Lungs

Covid-19 patient screams thinking that her doctor is a ghost

“Angels in white” or “warriors in white” are the popular nicknames that many Vietnamese netizens have given medical workers as a gesture of appreciation of their heroic efforts to save lives.

Nonetheless, not everyone in white looks like a medical worker, especially when they turn up at your bedside in pitch-black darkness.

That was the case for a Covid-19 patient in Vietnam, who thought that the white figure of a doctor standing over her was a ghost and screamed out loud

Here’s how the “spooky” story unfolded. 

The doctor is startled by the Covid-19 patient’s bellowing scream

Image adapted from: Nam Cà Mau/Tuổi Trẻ Cười

On 3rd September, footage showing what happened inside a Covid-19 hospital room at night surfaced on the internet and caused quite a stir. This clip was originally shared by Nam Cà Mau and reshared on the website of Tuổi Trẻ Cười.

In the clip was a room with two beds sectioned off by a privacy curtain. One cubicle was still lit up and the other was dark. Both patients seemed to be in the land of nod.

A medical worker clad in white protective gear slowly walked into the room towards the bed next to the window. The moment the medical worker reached the bed, a frightening scream was heard. The scream went on so uncontrollably that it seemed to frighten the medical worker, who kept motioning the patient to stop.

A Covid-19 patient screams as she sees a white figure standing at her bed
Image adapted from: TIN 3 PHÚT

Startled by the scream, the other patient, who was on oxygen, sprung up from his bed speedily to see what happened.

At that moment, the medical worker had to pull aside the privacy curtain to let some light from the other cubicle stream in. 

To prove to her that this was by no means a paranormal encounter, the medical worker had to speak up. 

A doctor burst into laughter at the scene

Image adapted from: Nam Cà Mau/Tuổi Trẻ Cười

“Why do you keep screaming? Please put on your mask!” the medical worker was heard telling the woman. Judging from the sound of the voice, it’s safe to assume that the medical worker was a lady.

Almost instantly, two other doctors hurried into the room to see what happened. 

Assured that she was still in the realm of the living, the lady began to utter a few incoherent words to explain her reason for screaming.

After hearing what happened, one of the medical workers looked as if he was laughing so hard that he had to put one hand on his stomach.

patient and doctor
A doctor bursts into laughter after learning why the Covid-19 patient screams in the middle of the night
Image adapted from: Nam Cà Mau/Tuổi Trẻ Cười

The medical worker who was responsible for the patient’s jump scare looked at the other workers in a half-crying and half-laughing manner.  

The neighboring patient, who happened to be so interested in the affair that he forgot that he himself was on breathing equipment, lay down to continue his sleep.

Not everyone wearing white in a hospital is a ghost

Honestly, we can’t blame this lady, whose long and bellowing scream must have gone beyond the confines of her room and alarmed other patients as well. For someone fighting with a deadly disease and certainly the fear of death, the sight of a white figure appearing in the dead of the night might have looked like a sudden, ghastly send-off. 

For the past three months of unrelenting crisis, medical workers from across the country have come together to unite and soothe the nation. The images of them rushing back and forth to and fro to save and serve patients have become a beacon of hope to all Covid-19 patients and their families.

Hopefully, this humorous hospital story can help you take your mind off the Covid-19 situation for a while and realize that not everyone wearing white in the hospital is a ghost. Besides, we’re living in Covid-19 times and there’s no escaping the sight of people in head-to-toe white gear no matter where you are.

If you’re interested in finding out what ghosts in a hospital look like, check out our collection of spooky hospital and morgue stories here.

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Cover image adapted from: Tuổi Trẻ Cười

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