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Covid-19 Volunteer Comes Home, Family Makes Her Shower At Doorstep

Covid-19 volunteer takes a shower before she enters her home

The fight against Covid-19 in Vietnam is a nationwide effort, and we’re glad to see that many enthusiastic young souls are up for the task, volunteering to help in whatever ways they can.

Their spirits are commendable, of course, but at the same time, this work does expose them to risks of infection. Caution is, therefore, always advised.

For this one volunteer, in particular, her family seems to take no chances at all. When she came back from her volunteer work, they made her take a shower right at the doorstep – with clothes and all – before she could come in.

To her credit, the girl was all too happy to comply. We’ve included the footage below.

The volunteer came back from Covid-19 volunteer work, so her family wanted her disinfected

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Video credit: @kiyennguyen1212 

A couple of days ago, TikTok user @kiyennguyen1212 found one of her clips going viral on the video sharing platform, raking in nearly a million views.

The footage shows the girl standing in front of her house, being doused in water and scrubbing herself clean with a piece of soap. Judging from the characteristic volunteers’ uniform she was wearing and the video’s caption, it would seem she’d just returned from some volunteer work to combat Covid-19, and her family wanted her disinfected before they let her in.

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The girl has the cutest reaction to her mother’s quips
Video credit: @kiyennguyen1212 

They had a good time with it too. In the background, the voice of an older woman – presumably the volunteer’s mother – can be heard quipping that the scenario looked similar to how people often shower their dogs. The remark made the girl playfully snap back.

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“I have no regrets,” she said
Video credit: @kiyennguyen1212 

Indeed, it is a joy to listen to their cute banter. It also helps that the girl didn’t appear the least bit embarrassed by her situation. In fact, she’s seen looking straight at the camera with a brilliant smile, confidently stating, “I’m doing a good deed. I have no regrets!”

Her cheerful spirit sure made our day a little bit brighter.

Netizens praise her positivity

It would seem the online community shares our feeling as well. Many have flocked to the video’s comment section to offer praise to the girl.

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Image credit: @kiyennguyen1212 

“It’s hard to find smiles these days. Maintain your enthusiasm and your health, and keep fighting, girl! HCMC needs you!” commenter Dat Tran said.

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Image credit: @kiyennguyen1212 

“Your mom and you are so adorable. Not many dare do what you do. Stay strong, frontliner.”, another TikTok user wrote.

We hope the volunteer stay safe and stay strong

Everything we want to say, netizens have said for us already. We are facing a difficult time, but seeing the volunteer’s upbeat attitude does shoo the gloom away a little.

We hope she stays safe and stays strong, and that she’ll continue to contribute both physical help and positivity to the community.

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Cover image adapted from @kiyennguyen1212 

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