I would like to think that I’m in with the times but sometimes, I have absolutely no idea what kids these days are even saying. With their own – and unique – set of slangs, I’ve been in situations where I’ve had to awkwardly ask for the meanings of some of these words, unfortunately revealing my real age.
Fine… I am being overly-dramatic – I am not THAT old. But from this episode of Singaporeans Try, it’s obvious that a lot of us (myself included) had no idea what some words from the Urban Dictionary meant. We definitely tried our best but some of us were clearly taking multiple stabs in the dark.
Want to find out what terms like, “phone groping” and “selfiecidal” mean? Then, watch the video below to find out!
Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for new episodes of Singaporeans Try coming to you every Monday! Follow us on Instagram and like our brand new Facebook page, where you get exclusive behind-the-scenes clips that don’t make it to the main video. Catch you next Monday!
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