I’m an avid tea drinker but my favourite teas aren’t necessarily loose leaf or triangular pyramids. Instead, many of them come in familiar bottles that you can find at any old 7-eleven or mamak stores. Enter POKKA Jasmine Green Tea, a trusty drink that almost everyone’s tried and loved for its subtle notes of jasmine.
Well, drink up: our favourite bottled green tea has a ton of catechins, antioxidants that’ll help prevent ageing and help fight diseases. Read on to see how drinking POKKA Green Tea works wonders for your health:
There are no preservatives nor colouring – that rich colour you see is all natural.
Y’know that artificial taste you get when glugging down a syrupy-sweet tea? Cringe. Thankfully, there’s none of that with POKKA Jasmine Green Tea. It’s all made from 100% brewed tea leaves that are gently infused with jasmine flowers. Your tastebuds will appreciate the richness of the green tea, especially when it’s lightly sweetened to help combat any bitterness.
And the best part of drinking POKKA Green Tea is that it’s chock-full of catechins. This isn’t some pseudo-sciency word that means absolutely nothing, since catechins have been proven to help reduce the risk of health diseases and ageing problems.
Whether you want a brighter smile or a fast-burning metabolism, the catechins found in green tea will help move things along the right direction. It’s an easy source of catechins too, compared to other pricier foods that also have antioxidants, like blueberries, dark chocolate, and red wine.
Here are some of benefits you’ll get from catechins:
And for those of us who are overwhelmed by stress daily, good news: it also helps to relieve feelings of stress.
As much as we all enjoy brewing our own cups of tea, complete with teapot, scented candle, and all – we dont have enough hours in a day to do this. And that’s why we turn to POKKA Jasmine Green Tea for an easy pick-me-up that’s conveniently bottled.
POKKA offers more than just the classic Jasmine Green Tea too – try flavours like Peppermint Green Tea, or Honey Green Tea. They also have No Sugar variations of Jasmine Green Tea and Japanese Green Tea, for those who prefer drinking their tea straight.
You can buy it in bulk on local online sites like Redmart and Shopee, but most convenience stores and supermarkets keep a ready supply of POKKA Green Tea. We’ve always enjoyed the taste, but now knowing that it’s filled with catechins? We’ll be drinking even more to reap in all those health benefits.
This post was brought to you by POKKA.
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