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10 Reasons Going Back to School as a Working Adult is the Best Thing You Can Do

Keep Upgrading Yourself


b2ap3_thumbnail_image00.jpgMany working adults lament their student days as the best days of their life. It’s understandable why – working adults feel the pressure of putting food on the table, and a shelter over their family’s heads. 

And while it’s easy to stay the course, being happy in the stable job that you have, you might start to wonder about all the what ifs. What if you could have a career switch? What if you could find a dream job that would let you travel overseas but lacked the necessary certifications? What if you had beaten that work rival for the promotion but couldn’t for the lack of a piece of paper?

For the working adult, studying for a diploma might seem like a pipe dream – we don’t have the luxury of time to spare! But with part time diplomas offered by recognised institutions like PSB Academy, it’s now becoming a reality. 

The doors to lucrative jobs just open that much easier with a diploma than without. But if you’re still unsure, here are 10 other reasons to upgrade yourself if you’re already a working adult.


1. To Keep Your Skills Relevant



The World Wide Web has only been around for 25 years. 10 years ago, the iPhone didn’t even exist. With technological advancements, handphones are becoming smarter and devices are becoming smaller. Today’s society is rapidly changing – new jobs are being created every day, the economy is constantly evolving, and processes are being overhauled. If we’re not careful, our knowledge and skills will become obsolete.

Some working adults have stopped learning after graduation – but how long ago was that? As we upgrade our skills, we’re constantly in the loop, and equipped with the latest knowledge and expertise. By advancing along with society, we won’t be left behind in the job market.


2. To Get That Promotion



Education is the fastest way out of poverty. As you upgrade your skills, you are capable of taking on more responsibility. If the newly-learned skills are relevant to your job, you’ll become better at your job, and your employer will recognise that and reward you in turn.

In many jobs, your salary is capped at a ceiling based on your education qualifications. Upgrade yourself and get that promotion you always wanted.


3. So Your Bosses Continue to Recognise Your Value



Unfortunately, the hard truth in the working world is this: the further down you are on the skills ladder, the more easily you will be replaced. Even so, given the unpredictability of the economy, and the constant need of internal cost cuttings, you can be laid off anytime.

Even though upgrading your skills may not guarantee you a stable job, it’ll make you more valuable, and reduce your chances of being laid off. Show your employer how much you can contribute with your skill set, and build up a good rapport.


4. To Enhance Your Competitiveness



Singaporeans are known for being kiasu, but that’s a symptom of the underlying problem – competitiveness. Get the upper hand by upgrading yourself. By enhancing your knowledge and skillsets, you’ve got an upper hand over your colleagues – the next time a promotion comes around, you could be the lucky one. 


5. To Make A Career Switch Possible



There’s no need to resort to entrepreneurship if you’re facing a midlife crisis. By obtaining a degree, you essentially enhance your employability and can make a switch to another industry.  And even if you’re staying in your current job, the skills you’ve learned through your course will also benefit you. 

For instance, business management and marketing skills are transferable skills that can be applied in a variety of jobs.


6. Just to Improve Yourself



Just like how the elderly have been going for computer-literacy programs, upgrading yourself is a means of self-improvement for the working adult. Wherever your motivation comes from – perhaps your son has just graduated from university and you’d like to do the same – you’ll be rewarded with a sense of achievement. 


7. To Reach Your Personal Breakthrough



I love learning about everything, but reading from a guide book doesn’t work all the time. To satisfy your intellectual curiosity, take some classes to stimulate yourself. From Infocomm Technology to Banking to Sports Science, learn something new and keep your brain stimulated!


8. To Be Ready For the Future



When Steve Jobs first took a calligraphy class at Reed College after dropping out of university, little did he know that his knowledge about the different typefaces would come in handy when designing the first Macintosh computer. It’s important to keep learning – as new industries emerge, those skills which you once dismissed as ‘useless’ will come in useful.


9. Part Time Courses Cater to Your Schedule



Depending on your stage of life, as a working adult, there are just so many things to do: work, pamper your spouse, look after the children, clean the house, cook etc. Naturally, we can’t find the time, or even the energy, to take up extra classes.

However, the beauty of part time courses is in their flexibility – at institutions like PSB Academy, you’re given the freedom to take as long as 2 years to complete a program!


10. It Costs Less Than You Think



Private education doesn’t have to be expensive. As part of the Workforce Development Agency’s (WDA) goal to encourage Singaporeans to upgrade themselves, you’ll get to enjoy up to 95% in subsidies, from the Skills Development Fund. Simply apply through your company, or if you’re self-sponsored, through CDAC, Mendaki, or NTUC. With all the grants available, the monetary cost of improving yourself should be the last concern for you.


Lifelong Learning



Ultimately, upgrading yourself is a part and parcel of lifelong learning. PSB Academy offers a wide range of part time diplomas, including courses in Business Administration, Hospitality and Tourism, and Life Sciences. Located just behind Tiong Bahru MRT, it’s in a prime location, easily accessible after work. 

Besides the economic benefits learning a new skill can bring, gaining new knowledge helps to build your confidence. To be the best that we can be, we need to seize opportunities and adapt to new technologies. No matter what stage of life we’re at, it’s never too late to keep learning! Find out more about PSB Academy’s part time diploma courses by filling up the form below.



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This post was brought to you by PSB Academy.