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10 Courses Millennials Should Go For During Work Hours To Increase Their Skills

Time to upgrade your skills

In Mandarin, there’s a saying which translates to “study for as long as you live”. Learning is an ongoing process – you’re never really done even after graduating and entering the workforce. Be it going for courses to upgrade your skills or for a career switch you have planned, we’re always learning.

While such workshops can greatly help in making one indispensable, not everyone has access to them as they can be expensive. Fortunately for millennials on the prowl for golden opportunities, NTUC has launched their Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP) which funds members up to $250 a year for 50% off on training courses like these without having to sign up for an entire degree.

Their Future Jobs, Skills and Training function has also identified 5 high growth industries to carry out pilot projects in, and we’ve taken the liberty of picking out 10 courses in these areas that will take your skills to the next level:


For those of you who eat, sleep, and breathe finance – you’ll know that the rapid-rolling industry waits for no man. You might have a general Bachelor’s degree in finance under your belt, but with the rising competition each year, refreshing and increasing your knowledge is always a good call. And for those looking to dive into this fast and furious realm, here’s where you can start!

1. Financial Management


Finance can be intimidating, but for the brave folks looking to equip themselves with knowledge on the financial world, this course is basically Finance 101. It’ll take you through the basics of financial and accounting principles, and train you to be proficient in using various analytical tools out there.

So if you’re looking to make that career switch, or jump into the big shoes of an entrepreneur, you know exactly where to start!

Find out more here and here (keep a lookout for the next intake)!

2. Finance Operations Development Programme


Take your skills to the next level with CPA Australia’s Finance Operations Development Programme. Add on to your existing skill set by learning about financial, business, and risk management, as well as develop stronger leadership abilities. The programme seeks to fill in the existing gaps of skills needed in the finance world, so you’re setting yourself up for success or a switch in portfolios.

Thanks to tie-ups with NTUC’s U Associate program and e2i, Singapore Citizens and PRs will receive training subsidies of more than 40% of the course fees.

Find out more here!

Possible Career Options: Finance Manager, Financial Consultant, Financial Informatics and more


3. Power in a Personal Touch (WSQ Provide Go-the-Extra-Mile Service)

Healthcare is a growing industry in Singapore, and we always need new nurses – so much so that Mediacorp came up with an entire Channel 8 drama about them to entice more people to join the industry. The life of a nurse is far and beyond your typical 9-5 desk job – from tending to patients and lifting their spirits, to assisting doctors in life or death situations, being a nurse is challenging but incredibly rewarding.

Power In A Personal Touch is a Singapore Workforce Skills Qualification (WSQ) programme run by NTUC LearningHub, which is created to help those working in frontline to take customer service to a whole new level. Existing nurses can too benefit from learning how to go the extra mile for patients, and how little tweaks in their behaviour may have a greatly positive effect on the people they interact with on a daily basis.

Find out more here!

4. Caregiver Training


With our ageing population, caregivers are especially in demand. From helping old folks with rehabilitation and physiotherapy, to planning activities that keep them sharp and active, NTUC LearningHub has a whole range of courses to help caregivers and healthcare workers give our elderly the best care possible.

Find out more here!

Possible Career Options: Positions in Nursing, Home Care Assistance, Eldercare


5. Nanomaterials: Fundamentals and Applications


Engineering is a hot industry to look out for, with the government highlighting the need for engineers in both the public and private sector in time to come.

If you already have an engineering degree, expand your knowledge with this course on nanomaterials and learn about their synthesis, characterization, development and applications. It extends beyond tech, into medicine and pharmaceuticals as well!

As we pack more and more technology into a limited space, nanomaterials are definitely something worth looking into.

Find out more here (look out for the next intake)!

6. Young Engineers Leadership Programme


For young engineers on the rise, the Young Engineers Leadership Programme, a joint-initiative by NTUC and the Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES), is aimed at nurturing and grooming young aspiring engineers. With networking sessions, leadership grooming, workshops, and the opportunity to learn from the leading engineers of today, it sets up the foundation for engineering leaders to come.

Find out more here!

Possible Career Options: Various Engineering career tracks, Positions in Manufacturing and Research and development


7. NTUC First Campus Trainee Schemes And Programmes


Preschool teachers are tasked with aiding in the early development of the future of our world. If you love kids and are looking to make a career switch, NTUC has a “work and study” trainee scheme, where you can work towards an Early Childhood WSQ certification or a diploma – with a holistic journey of attending classes and lectures, while being able to have practical hands-on experience.

Find out more about the NTUC First Campus Trainee Schemes And Programmes here, and check out SEED Institute (the Early Childhood equivalent of NIE) for the full list of certifications they offer.

8. Professional Development Programme

For existing pre-school teachers looking to further their careers, the Professional Development Programme is the course for you. The 3-year programme featuring a mix of projects and modules aims to help preschool teachers hone their managerial and leadership skills – in order to take on larger roles in an organisation, such as that of principals and vice-principals.

Find out more here!

Possible Career Options: Childcare/kindergarten teacher, Principal and administrator, Curriculum developer


9. Cyber Security Practitioner Induction (CSPI) Programme


In our modern, technology-driven world, computers and the Internet are an essential part of our lives. However, this means that we’re also extremely vulnerable to cyber security threats. The CSPI programme run by NTUC’s U Associate partner, ISACA, aims to train IT managers on how to manage, deal with, and protect their companies against cyber security threats.

Find out more about CSPI here!

10. Cloud Computing Security and Compliance 101


Cloud storage is the up and coming kid on the data storage block, with many companies now shifting to cloud-based networks and storage systems. However, as with any new technology, it has its weak spots and vulnerabilities. IT professionals can learn how to defend their cloud systems from threats, and shield themselves from possible cyber attacks.

e2i subsidises 30% of the course fees for Singaporeans and PRs, and you can use SkillsFuture credits for the rest!

Find out more here!

Take your career to the next level with NTUC’s courses


Whether you’re looking to make a career switch or are seeking to upgrade your skills, NTUC and its network of U Associates, social enterprise training arm NTUC LearningHub and tie ups with NTU have a huge array of courses available for you – the 10 we’ve selected today are just the tip of the iceberg.

Plus, since the government is actively encouraging lifelong learning, getting financial support to upgrade yourself has never been easier. Aside from the UTAP support for NTUC members, we’ve also got SkillsFuture – from January 2016, every Singaporean above the age of 25 gets an initial credit of $500, which is more than enough to kickstart your road to further growth and self-improvement.

The upcoming Future Jobs, Skills and Training (FJST) department will focus on helping future unemployed get into future jobs, with action plans on how to develop future career paths, training and courses to bridge the gap. It’s entirely possible that in ten years time, you’ll be doing a job that doesn’t exist today – so the best way to be prepared for that is to keep sharp and continue learning and growing as a person.

What are you waiting for? It’s time to level up!

This post was brought to you by NTUC.