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Dairy Farm Nature Reserve – Quarry Trail

In my previous journal on Dairy Farm Nature park- Wallace Trail …it’s was just “half” the story as I could not cover the Quarry Trail as well, reason being insufficient time as my photo-buddy and myself only arrived at the venue about 2pm. So when our schedule and the weather conditions were all in alignment, we make a “bee-line” to complete this trail. Might I added that the use of “bee-line” was inspired by what we discovered at this trail…as you can see in my pictures.



Map of the Dairy Farm Nature Reserve.

Indeed, we came without much lofty expectation (we know this is no Yellowstone or a Yosemite National Park)…BUT we were amply rewarded with awesome nature along the trail…certainly loads of picture opportunities for a nature photographer. And for what we can get within minutes drive…it’s really a crime to complain (^__^))). The following are my observation which I hope will help those planning to visit this trail..



One of the 1st park residents to greet us…. a beautiful butterfly…plenty of other species…but difficult to shoot. So I was lucky with this one…


Trail to Singapore Quarry

Distance: 1km from Car park A (much shorter distance than from car park B. BUT, car park B have a water cooler and toilet facility)

Time taken: 30-45 minutes one way. Set aside about 90 minutes for the walk and to enjoy the area. But if you are into nature photograph (like me), prepare to stay at least 3 hours… this is subject to the whims of nature offerings…

Level of difficulty: Easy. Flat ground mostly…except for very slight up slope upon reaching the quarry. Great for children and elderly folks…

What to you expect : Singapore Quarry- A disused quarry that was in operations till the late 1980s, it has been transformed into a beautiful wetland, sort of a small “Guilin”…There is a sheltered viewing deck with barrier platform over the pond that allow visitors to get closer to the quarry. Dragonflies and birds, such as the kingfisher and the Little Grebe- an endangered bird, can be spotted here. But I did not spot any during my time here….perhaps part of nature conspiracy to make me return…

Ideal time to visit : 8am -10.30am or in the late afternoon after 4.30pm. The trail to the quarry is not sheltered and it can get very hot on sunny days. It is a good idea to take an umbrella along. But for the “non-dainty” or rugged…perhaps a sun hat and sunblock are recommended. Of course, the usual insect repellent and drinking are de rigueur  for a more enjoyable time…

Entrance fee : No charge (already paid for by, so enjoy all you can.



We were rewarded with plenty of bee action …..this was my favourite shot of the trip… it was a challenge getting a shot like this (especially under that hot sun and mozzies ambience)… so do give me a “like” if you find the pic to your liking 🙂 ..



Nature teaches us in her own ways….” make hay while the sun shines”…



Look at the pollens saturated legs on this bee…signs of hardwork…



If watching bees makes you happy…check out the animated Pixar  movie – Bee Movie, starring Jerry Seinfeld, Renée Zellweger… there’s elements of truth in the movie  🙂



A juvenile katydid …really small…about 5-6mm… eagle eyes and a keen sense of observation needed. This was spotted by my photo-buddy…



A juvenile grasshopper (about 6-8mm)…nature’s way of protecting the young…looks so muddy and unappetizing to predators…but delicious , otherwise (I guessed)… hahaha..



Another long-legged insect (about 0.9cm)…look at the length of the antennae ! Does it pick up 4G network ??



A yellow-coloured lizard among the fauna…waiting for it’s meals with a flick of it’s tongue…talk about fast food :-P…



Nature’s twists & turns….a plant’s tendrils. Beauty in simplicity…



A sac of golden apple snails eggs at the pond weed…next generation assured…



Your reward after a short hike…cool off at the sheltered pavilion, enjoy the tranquility before going home sweet home…

As in anything relating to our nature parks…come enjoy the beauty, spoil nothing along the way and go home happy. Please visit our beautiful parks when you can…. Thank you for hopping along for the journey (^___^)//