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8 Sunset View Spots In Đà Nẵng To See Vietnam’s Most Liveable City In A New Light

Sunset view spots in Đà Nẵng

There’s something strangely mesmerizing about sunsets. The sight of the sun going down the horizon always evokes a sense of serene somberness within our hearts, no matter how many times we see it.

And with its ideal location next to the sea and surrounded by mountains, Đà Nẵng has plenty of spots where you can marvel at magnificent sunset views. Here, we’ve summed up 8 of the best sunset view spots in Đà Nẵng for you to check out to see the city under a new light.

1. Sơn Trà Peninsula – popular sightseeing spot next to the city

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Image credit: @flavourofthesouth

Boasting an open view of the ocean with Đà Nẵng city on the horizon, the Sơn Trà Peninsula is a sought-after sunset-watching spot in the central city.

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Image credit: @lehuyart

Located just on the edge of Đà Nẵng, the peninsula is home to several notable landmarks, from a lake with emerald water at its base to the dignified Linh Ứng Pagoda to a cluster of rocks higher up that makes for an ideal camping spot.

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A spot at Cà Phê Viu, a café on the Sơn Trà Peninsula

That said, we highly recommend making a stop at Cà Phê Viu just outside the Linh Ứng Pagoda, a café that’s recently reopened after several months of hibernation. Featuring several decorations to take pictures with and plenty of outdoor seating, this is a good place to sit back and relax over a cup of coffee while watching the sun go down over the city in the distance.

GPS coordinates: 16°05’54.0″N 108°16’46.6″E

2. Bàn Cờ Peak – a mountain peak where you can see the entirety of Đà Nẵng

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Image credit: @dukee.dukee

While the Bàn Cờ Peak is technically also a part of the Sơn Trà Peninsula, we feel it deserves its own entry. The views you get driving up the peninsula to get here are no doubt great, but they are but a teaser of what awaits you at your destination.

sage and chessboard
The name of the peak comes from a statue of a sage thinking over a chessboard
Image credit: @jinxtjx

One of the highest spots in Đà Nẵng, Bàn Cờ Peak houses an observation deck decorated with a statue of a sage thinking over a chessboard, which is what gives the location its name as “bàn cờ” in Vietnamese translates to “chessboard”. From here, you can see the entirety of Đà Nẵng City running along the coastline, which is particularly spectacular under the dying sunlight.

Image credit: @danh_ntt

Do note that for safety reasons, you must be on a manual motorbike to be allowed to drive up to the peak, as there are several steep slopes that are too much for automatic motorbikes to handle. Also, as charming as the sunset view is up here, be sure to go back down before it turns completely dark, as the way down has no street lights.

GPS coordinates: 16°07’11.6″N 108°16’33.3″E

3. Horizon Rooftop Bar – bar on the 36th floor with a panoramic city view

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Image credit: Horizon Bar

If you don’t want to drive all the way up to the peak of the Sơn Trà Peninsula, Horizon Rooftop Bar is a place you can hit up right inside Đà Nẵng city to enjoy sunset views from an elevated spot.

horizon bar drinks
Image credit: @vanruby253

Perched atop the 36th floor of the beachside Four Points Hotel, the bar boasts an indoor lounge with tall glass windows, while on the outdoor terrace, there are booths built into a swimming pool for you to sit at. This means you get to enjoy a panoramic view of the surrounding buildings, the coastline stretching all the way to the horizon, and the mountain ranges afar.

Address: 36th floor, 120 Võ Nguyên Giáp Street, Sơn Trà District, Đà Nẵng
Opening hours: 10AM-1AM, Daily
Telephone: 02363997979

4. Nguyễn Văn Trỗi Bridge – pedestrian bridge with views of the Hàn River

sunset spots in da nang - nguyen van troi bridge
Image credit: @ yong__r

As one of the oldest bridges connecting the two sides of the Hàn River running through Đà Nẵng, the Nguyễn Văn Trỗi Bridge, now reserved for pedestrians only, is frequented by local residents and shutter-happy couples going for afternoon strolls along its beautiful river views.

Visit at around 5PM, and you’ll be treated to a stunning sight where the water is dyed a sparkly orange by the setting sun, with skyscrapers slowly being lit up on either side.

Image credit: @vtai_bmw

At the two ends of the bridge, you can find parking slots for your vehicles, and there are also vendors selling treats in the area if you fancy something to snack on.

GPS coordinates: 16°03’03.9″N 108°13’44.4″E

5. Thuận Phước Bridge – where the Hàn River flows to the sea

sunset spots in da nang- thuan phuoc bridge
Image credit: @v.aan_26

Go further up north along the Hàn River, and soon you’ll find yourself underneath the Thuận Phước Bridge. Located at the spot where the river flows into the sea, the area offers more fresh air and open views than what you can find at other riverside locations in the city center.

Image credit: @minah_kerr

Visit at dusk to catch a beautiful view of the sun setting on the mountains, with plenty of boats docked around to add to the serene vibe. The area doesn’t see too many visitors, making it a good place to chill and escape from the city rush.

Image credit: @thuydung_topaz

Also, you can find large batches of reeds around this area, making for good photo backdrops.

GPS coordinates: 16°05’48.2″N 108°13’27.3″E

6. Cu Đê River – peaceful rural area to escape from the city rush

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Image credit: @thiennguyen1012

The Hàn River is all too well-known for anyone visiting Đà Nẵng, but if you’re willing to go out of your way 20KM northwest of the city’s center, you’ll be treated to another sight for sore eyes in the form of the Cu Đê River.

Image credit: @hathuong__

As the river lies at the edge of the city, relatively untouched by tourism, it still retains a rustic beauty typical of a Vietnamese rural area, with small farmsteads dotted along its banks.

Image credit: @_fn63_

Thanks to its natural beauty, the Cu Đê River is gradually becoming a popular camping spot for local youths in recent years. You can find many places along the banks to set up camp and spend the night.

GPS coordinates: 16°06’23.6″N 108°05’11.7″E

7. Nam Ô Reef – photogenic moss-covered rocks

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Image credit: Nguyễn Minh Phước

At the estuary of the Cu Đê River lies the Nam Ô Reef. Again, as the area doesn’t see much tourism activity, this cluster of seaside rocks and the nearby fishing hamlet possess a pristine beauty that instantly captures any wanderer venturing here.

Image credit: Nguyễn Minh Phước

Aside from marveling at the moss-covered rocks that look particularly mesmerizing at sunrise and sunset, and bringing home some check-in shots, come here to watch the colorful marine life through the crystal clear water and fill your lungs with plenty of fresh air.

GPS coordinates: 16°07’06.2″N 108°07’51.7″E

8. Tiên Sa Beach – west-facing beach with a port nearby

sunset spots in da nang - tien sa beach
Image credit: @teresa_pham163

The thing about beaches in Vietnam is that the vast majority of them face east, meaning they’re great for catching views of the sunrise, but for sunsets, not so much. The Tiên Sa Beach 10KM from Đà Nẵng’s center, however, is an exception. As the beach opens to the west facing the Đà Nẵng Bay, it allows visitors to fully bathe in the sunset light unobstructed by mountain ranges or city buildings.

Image credit: @_hien.moonn

The area is also home to the Tiên Sa Port, a major port that sees frequent traffic, so there are plenty of opportunities to take pictures with incoming ships under the flattering light, as well as bridges offering elevated views over the sea.

Image credit: @imhieu.trgg

GPS coordinates: 16°07’18.8″N 108°13’09.1″E

Spots to catch sunset views in Đà Nẵng

With all the things going on in our lives, sometimes it’s important to take it slow and appreciate the little things. Sometimes, an act as simple as slowing down on your way home from work to catch the sunset can do wonders for your mental health.

And if you’re in Đà Nẵng, check out these 8 sunset view spots to see the beautiful city in all its glory.

For more things to do in Đà Nẵng, check out:

Cover image adapted from @v.aan_26, @lehuyart, and @danh_ntt

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