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Singapore To Lift Border Restrictions For Vietnamese Visitors From 8th October – Including Leisure Travellers

Singapore opens doors to all travellers from Vietnam

As the COVID-19 situation in Singapore has been contained, the island is well-placed to ease travel restrictions for international travellers. However, to prevent the country from new imported cases, the Singapore government has allowed only visitors from countries with low risks of COVID-19 importation.

These include our very own country, Vietnam, as well as Australia, which have both successfully brought their COVID-19 outbreaks under control.

Visitors from Vietnam can travel to Singapore from 8th October 

Singapore opens doors_Changi Airport
Image credit: Changi Airport

On 30th September, the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) announced that it would open the country’s doors to all visitors from Vietnam and Australia from 8th October, The Straits Times reported.

This means that visitors from Vietnam can travel to Singapore for leisure again – not just for work, school, or essential purposes.

As of today, Vietnam has gone 29 days without any community cases of COVID-19 while Australia has steadily flattened the COVID-19 curve. 

Singapore opens doors_Changi Airport
Image credit: Changi Airport

Joining travellers from New Zealand and Brunei, leisure travellers from Vietnam and Australia will be able to apply for an Air Travel Pass for entry into Singapore as the country plans to revive its tourism offerings for visitors.

All visitors from Vietnam can travel to Singapore, but need to follow requirements 

Singapore opens doors_VietnamAirlines
Image credit: 

To ensure public safety, all Vietnamese visitors coming to Singapore will be tested for COVID-19 upon arrival. If and only after they test negative for the virus, they can roam the city going about their activities without serving any quarantine notice. 

Singapore opens doors_tracetogether
Image credit: Google Play Store

To prevent a potential outbreak of health problems, visitors will be required to use the free TraceTogether app during their stay in Singapore. This app will keep you informed if you have close contact with another app user who is later reported to be a COVID-19 case in Singapore.

Visitors are also advised to keep themselves posted on the entry requirements of the countries they will fly to after visiting Singapore, whether it’s flying back to Vietnam or to another country, and to take necessary precautions. 

The relaxation of Singapore’s border restrictions is not reciprocal

Singapore opens doors_quarantine
A makeshift quarantine facility in a Ba Ria – Vung Tau military camp
Image credit: Huỳnh Kiến An

While this lift on border restrictions is good news for Vietnamese travellers who are keen to explore Singapore’s vibrant food scene and shopping gems again, there are many rules and regulations they’ll need to follow. 

So far, Vietnam has yet to open entry to all foreigners and overseas citizens, except for work pass holders or those with diplomatic passports. Any visitor entering Vietnam will go through swab tests upon arrival and be sent into quarantine facilities for observation. This requirement will, of course, include Vietnamese citizens returning from Singapore from their leisure trips.  

Visitors from Vietnam can travel to Singapore next month

The news that visitors from Vietnam can travel to Singapore will surely delight many international families, those who need to travel between both countries for work or school, and those who’re simply itching for a holiday.

While Singapore’s latest measure will likely not prompt Vietnamese travellers to immediately rush to catch the next flight there, it is still an indication of Singapore’s recognition of Vietnam’s successful containment of the COVID-19 outbreak. 

Hopefully both Vietnamese and Singaporean governments will soon be in talks about a two-way reopening of borders to facilitate travel and revive tourism in both countries. 

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Cover image adapted from: Changi Airport

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