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Teenage “Robin Hood” Steals Money To Buy Food For The Poor, Police Investigate The Case

Teenager steals money to do buy essentials for those in need

He was a skilled archer and swordsman from a noble lineage. He stole from the rich and gave generously to the poor. For centuries, the valiant Robin Hood has become the role model for many young people across the world.

It’s unknown whether a 12-year-old boy in the following story was inspired by this archetypal hero, but he did something quite similar. 

To help the less fortunate in his area get essential goods, L.N.S, a teenager in Hậu Giang stole money from his neighbor.

He steals cash from his neighbor

Picture for illustration purposes only
Image credit: Tạp Chí Công Thương

On 8th September at 2.20PM, Mr H. V. H in Châu Thành, Hậu Giang reported the loss of VND18 million (~USD790.91) in cash from a nightstand in his home.

According to Mr. H., the only person who had been visiting his home lately was L.N.S, his 12-year-old neighbor. In Mr. H.’s eyes, L. N. S. had always been a very respectful person. His family got along very well with the teenager, and they often shared meals.

Seeing that L.N.S was the chief suspect, the police came to his house for an investigation.

Here’s the boy’s confession.

He bought food for the needy with his stolen money

Picture for illustration purposes only
Image credit: Thiếu Niên

According to Tiền Phong, L. N. S. admitted to visiting Mr H.’s home on 5th September. As he was sitting on his neighbor’s bed, he accidentally found cash inside the nightstand.

He took the money in a Robin Hood-style theft, and hid it in the backyard of his grandmother’s home.

The following days, he used the money to buy groceries such as instant noodles, fish sauce, and vegetables. He sent these essentials to the needy living nearby. 

Local police are investigating the case.

According to Article 8 under Vietnam’s Civil Code, if a juvenile under age 15 commits an offense, his custodians will have to compensate for the damage done. 

Is Robin Hood a true hero?

Image credit: TV Tropes

Since this boy’s actions might remind many of Robin Hood, we’d like to talk a little more about this character.

It’s true that Robin Hood stole from the rich to give to the poor and earned praise for that, but you have to understand the context that he was working in. In the time that he lived in, the rich oppressed the poor and amassed great wealth from the sweat and blood of the less fortunate. There are many people who toiled hard but didn’t get what they deserved. 

Therefore, when Robin Hood stole from the wealthy to give back to the poor, he was opposing a corrupt system and fighting for justice. Even so, he was considered an outlaw because stealing is wrong.

In the world that we’re living in today, we earn money for what we supply and get paid for our work – so taking others’ hard-earned money isn’t right.  

So in this context, there’s nothing heroic about stealing from the rich to give to the poor.   

Stealing is wrong regardless of the context

It’s hard to pass judgement on a Robin Hood-style theft like this, given that the boy’s actions were categorically wrong but his intentions were genuinely good. However, stealing is wrong, even when the person does it for a good cause. 

Hopefully, his family can provide him with counselling, remind him that he can get what he wants in an honest manner, and help him put right what is wrong. 

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Cover image adapted from: TV Tropes and Thiếu Niên

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