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Parents In Silent War Cook Separate Meals For Son, His Stomach Can’t Handle It Anymore

Son gets stuck in parents’ silent war and culinary battle

When you live under the same roof with your parents, it’s hard not to witness them having arguments or engaging in a silent war every once in a while. 

Normally, the best thing for kids to do is to not take sides, leave the room, and wait until the tension blows over.

Unfortunately, the child in this story is caught between his parents’ fight and just can’t take it anymore.

Here’s how a couple’s beef ended up beefing up their son.

Parents cook separate meals amid a silent war

parent feud
Image credit: Lê Nguyễn Duy Linh

In a funny post on a Facebook group Cháo Hành Miễn Phí, Lê Nguyễn Duy Linh shared a post about his parents’ dispute that put him in a very difficult situation.

According to Linh, his parents had been having a conflict and going into a silent war with each other.

His dad slept in his own room, while his mom stayed in his room. The OP had no choice but to sleep on the couch.

The family feud had spread to the realm of the kitchen, where his parents decided to cook separate dishes. When Linh’s parents made 2 separate bowls of soup, he had to chow down both bowls to prove to them that he didn’t take sides.

However, endurance is not boundless and the human stomach is not limitless.

When Linh’s parents cooked 2 separate pots of pork braised with eggs, which he had to eat, he threw in the towel because he was too full.

That’s why he decided to share his story in the group as a call for help.

Netizens can totally relate to his story

1 day after going live, Linh’s story has garnered over 28,000 likes at the time of writing.

In the comment section, many netizens offer the OP advice on how to help his parents mend the fences.

parent feud
Image credit: Lê Nguyễn Duy Linh

Facebook user Anh Nhật left an insightful remark that many netizens can relate to, “You can mix both of the dishes together and they will make up with each other. I’m fed up with this fighting scene. My parents went through a divorce. Therefore, try to nip any conflicts in the bud!”

parent feud
Image credit: Lê Nguyễn Duy Linh

“Mix the food from both cooking pots together and make your parents pick out their own pork and eggs. Perhaps they will kiss and make up after that. Or you can ask them to carve out their names on the food next time,” Facebook user Nguyễn Hòa commented. 

parent feud
Image credit: Lê Nguyễn Duy Linh

“My parents don’t fight very often because we don’t have that many cooking pots.” Facebook user Đức Thành commented.

Learn to keep an open communication with one another

No family is perfect. 

Everyone has their equal share of flaws, burdens, and a moderate amount of unwillingness to forgive and forget. Therefore, strife, which comes in various forms, can arise at any time.

Those of us who’ve decided to spend the rest of our lives with others together as a family need to keep our communication lines open. Unless we talk, we’ll never know where the root of our problems is and lose each other without fully understanding why. The people who will be equally affected and hurt by our lack of effort are our family members.

Hopefully, the OP’s parents will settle their dispute soon and cook from the same pot. 

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Cover image adapted from: Lê Nguyễn Duy Linh

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