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Flights Between Vietnam and 5 Countries Open For Sale, Book Tickets To Visit Family & Loved Ones

Regular commercial international flights to Vietnam reopen

Transportation in Vietnam has been adversely affected since the appearance of Covid-19 in late 2019. This includes airlines, as the government decided to halt all regular commercial international flights from March 2020 to curb the pandemic’s spread.

Everything changed in October 2021 when Vietnam began moving towards a “new normal” approach to battling Covid-19. In late 2020, the Vietnamese government hinted at the resumption of regular international commercial flights to Vietnam

Accordingly, international routes have been reconnected since 1 January 2022. This serves as a nudge for the country’s transportation and tourism after about two years of inactivity.

First regular flights to Vietnam restored

On 1 January 2022, the first regular commercial international flight by Vietnam Airlines carrying 121 passengers from Phnom Penh, Cambodia landed in Ho Chi Minh City.

Vietjet also joined the game as their first commercial flight with 143 onboard from Tokyo, Japan successfully arrived in Hanoi also on New Year’s Day.

flights to Vietnam - passengers disembarking at airport
The first commercial international flight arrived in Ho Chi Minh City after two years
Image credit: Vietnam Airlines

Vietnam Airlines also made an announcement that they will restore regular flights. Since the end of last year, flights to Cambodia, Japan, and the US have been open for sale.

Booking is now also available for tickets from Vietnam to South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Laos, and Taiwan. The details are as follows.

  • Hanoi to Seoul: 2 flights/week (from 6 January)
  • Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City to Singapore: 1 flight/week (from 12 January)
  • Ho Chi Minh City to Bangkok: 2 flights/week (from 8 January)
  • Hanoi to Vientiane: 2 flights/week (from 9 January)
  • Hanoi to Taipei: 1 flight/week (from 11 January)

Look out for pandemic-control regulations

flights to Vietnam - airport staff taking passenger's temperature
Despite the resumption of flights, Vietnam still maintains strict measures to prevent a new Omicron outbreak
Image credit: Vietnam Airlines

Despite the resumption of regular commercial international flights, the Omicron variant still casts a shadow on the future of Vietnamese aviation. Passengers coming to Vietnam must still abide by the local pandemic-control regulations. 

This means that in your first three days after entering Vietnam, you should stay in your own apartment. You will have to take the RT-PCR tests on the first and third day.

For those who are not vaccinated or have not received a second Covid-19 vaccine jab, self-isolation at your accommodation should be observed in 7 days.

You will have to take the RT-PCR tests on the first and seventh day. In both cases, if tested negative, you are advised to monitor your own health within the following 14 days.

Besides, health measures such as disinfecting the plane interior and limiting physical contacts with other passengers and the staff will be imposed on all flights.

Stay safe on flights to Vietnam while reuniting with loved ones

Regular commercial international flights to Vietnam have been finally restored after two years. This is really exciting news for those who want to visit their beloved ones in the country.

However, you should get ready for the health measures before booking your tickets to ensure a safe and smooth trip before your Tet reunions.

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Cover image adapted from: @vietnamairlines

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