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Man Offers Scrap Collector A Fist Bump, It Comes With A Wholesome Gift

Man gives scrap collector a fist bump and a wholesome gift

The recent COVID-19 outbreak in Vietnam has left many citizens – particularly those with humble jobs, such as scrap collectors and lottery ticket sellers – struggling to make ends meet. Thankfully, good Samaritans have also initiated charity movements to help them stay on their feet.

These efforts are commendable, of course, but as a Vietnamese saying puts it, “what you give is not as important as how you give it.” There have been multiple instances where donated goods are handed away with the wrong attitude, leaving the receivers feel humiliated.

Not with this one kind-hearted man. He not only provides support to a scrap collector, but also makes her day with a cute fist bump.

We’ve included the footage below.

The man offers a fist bump to a scrap collector

fist bump gift 1
Video credit:

Over the past few days, a heartwarming video, credited toward TikTok user, has been going viral on social media in Vietnam.

It shows the original poster walking toward a lady on the street, who was tinkering with some discarded pieces of metal. Evidently, she was a scrap collector.

As the OP approached her, he extended a fist and said, “Auntie, give me a fist bump.”

The scrap collector happily accepted his gesture.

Little did she know at that moment, that the man had another pleasant surprise for her.

The man reveals a VND50,000 bill as a gift to her

Video credit:

Right as their fists touched, the OP unfolded his hand to reveal his true intention. It turned out he was holding a VND50,000 (~USD2.18) bill in his palm all along, which he then gave the scrap collector as a gift.

The woman seemed taken aback by this unexpected turn of events for a split second, but recovered quickly and gratefully accepted the gift. Though her face was obscured behind a mask, we can tell that she was smiling the most genuine of smiles.

And truth be told, so were we, the first time we saw the cute video.

Make the world a better place with simple gestures

The man’s gesture is a simple one, and his gift isn’t anything big either. Still, what he gave the scrap collector will no doubt stay with her for a long time yet.

Let this story be a reminder to us that good deeds start with the smallest things. As long as we put our hearts into it, we don’t need grand schemes or great resources to change someone’s life for the better.

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