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Vietnamese Singers Pay Tribute To COVID-19 Frontline Medical Workers In “Diệt Giặc Corona” Music Video

Music video honors frontline medical workers

As COVID-19 is affecting countries all over the world, people are understandably in need of a little cheering up – and that includes frontline medical workers who have made immense personal sacrifices to beat the virus.

That’s why two Vietnamese singers, Đạt G and Du Uyên, got together to pen a song that honors our frontliners’ contributions in our country’s battle against the coronavirus outbreak, and that also encourages everyone to stay home and keep each other safe against the virus.

On 29th March, Đạt G and Du Uyên released the song called DIỆT GIẶC CORONA (Slay Corona), to much acclaim on Youtube and social media.

Video content and lyrics about COVID-19

Slay corona Dat G Du Uyen
Image credit: DIỆT GIẶC CORONA – ĐạtG x DuUyên || OFFICIAL MV

The music video features Đạt G, Du Uyên , and two musicians clad in personal protective equipment, masks, and gloves.

Their song praises medical workers who do not complain even though they have to live and work in humble conditions while treating the sick and raising awareness about the coronavirus.

GIF Slay corona
Video credit: DIỆT GIẶC CORONA – ĐạtG x DuUyên || OFFICIAL MV

The song also references some of the ways people can protect themselves amid COVID-19 by staying home, wearing face masks, washing their hands regularly, and not shaking hands.

Netizens are impressed with the MV

The song’s music video has gained over 3.3 million views since it was posted on Youtube last week.

diet giac corona video comment
Image credit: DIỆT GIẶC CORONA – ĐạtG x DuUyên || OFFICIAL MV

“The lyrics are relatable. The video is shot live without recording in advance, which gives off this sense of realness and closeness . . . Audiences love DatG because of his artistry. No wonder why the music video caused a splash,” read one comment among thousands in the video’s comment section.

The video is also trending at position #45 on Youtube in Vietnam right now.

Pay tribute to our heroes

Thanks to the tireless efforts of medical workers nationwide, Vietnam has not reported any deaths so far, nor any newly emerged cases yesterday morning and this morning. We have also reported 23 patients treated for COVID-19 who have tested negative for COVID-19 for a second time.

These are thanks to the medical workers and other healthcare frontliners who continually show up for work to contain the pandemic amid heightened risks of virus exposure. Let’s show our appreciation for them by staying at home to flatten the transmission curve, and sharing health and hygiene tips with our loved ones.

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Cover image adapted from: DIỆT GIẶC CORONA – ĐạtG x DuUyên || OFFICIAL MV

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