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Airport Staff Gets 2 Vaccine Shots In 1 Day, Is In Stable Condition

Airport staff gets 2 vaccine shots on the same day by mistake

To curb the spread of COVID-19, Vietnam has been carrying out programs to vaccinate its people. So far, thousands of citizens – particularly those in high-risk groups such as medical workers, teachers, and airport staff – have got their shots.

But we all know that the COVID-19 vaccine includes multiple shots that should be taken at several weeks’ intervals. Unlike this airport staff, who mistakenly got 2 doses on the same day, within half an hour no less.

Here is how the bizarre situation plays out.

A nurse gave him the second shot by mistake

(Photo for illustrative purposes only)

Image credit: VNExpress

On Wednesday, Tiền Phong reported that a certain Mr. V.H.M., a worker at the Tan Son Nhat Cargo Services Company, had been given 2 shots of a COVID-19 vaccine.

The incident happened on 22nd June. Mr. M. went to take his vaccine shot and was given one after examinations confirmed he was in suitable health conditions.

He then took his documents to another examination table, where a nurse looked through them and told him to sit down for another shot. In total, he received two doses of vaccine in the span of half an hour from 3.30PM to 4PM.

Mr. M. later told Tiền Phong that he wasn’t deliberately trying to get the extra shot and was also puzzled. It was purely a mistake from the nurse, which was only uncovered when he voiced his question.

The man was immediately taken to a nearby ward for a check-up. Thankfully, his health showed no abnormal signs.

He has since been allowed to go home, and officers have recorded his contact details for further monitoring.

Taking two consecutive shots of COVID-19 vaccine is harmless, a doctor says

man 2 vaccine shots 2
(Photo for illustrative purposes only)

Image credit: VNExpress

According to Dr. Trương Hữu Khanh from the Children’s Hospital 1 in Ho Chi Minh City, taking 2 consecutive shots of COVID-19 vaccine is not in any way harmful to the receiver’s health. During the testing of the AstraZeneca vaccine, several groups were also given doses of 1ml, as opposed to the 0.5ml doses that are currently being used.

However, in this case, the second shot is wasted, as the body’s immune system needs several weeks to recover before it can effectively accept another vaccine shot.

Dr. Khanh also noted that authorities need to review procedures more carefully so as not to repeat the accident.

Be careful while getting your vaccine

Getting vaccinated is definitely the right move to protect yourself and those around you from this pandemic, especially if you work at airports, hospitals, or other public areas with high risks of infection.

However, do be mindful when you do so, and don’t be shy to ask questions if you feel something’s going wrong to avoid incidents such as these.

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Cover image adapted from VNExpress, for illustrative purposes only

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