Pet Lovers Centre (PLC) is probably the most well-known and well-recognised pet store in Singapore, and for good reason. I remember spending my youth looking at the little animals through the glass and going awww, they’re so cute! But it’s more than just a pet store – PLC tries to give all pet owners a complete experience, so that you and your pet can be healthy and happy.
Pets are definitely not easy to care for, but PLC has picked up the Top Brand Award under the category Pet Services & Products in this year’s Influential Brands Awards, so you know your pet is in good hands.
To find out why PLC is so beloved by pet owners, I visited The Pet Safari in VivoCity and a Pet Lovers Centre outlet in Bugis Junction and this is what I learned about PLC:
Even if you’re an experienced owner, there are bound to be problems with your pet once in a while. Pet Care Consultants (PCCs) are veterinary medicine trained and are qualified to help with anything from illnesses to which brand of cat food you should get. Pika (our office cat) has been having problems recently, so I asked Ms Decinee, a PCC at the Bugis outlet, and received some helpful advice!
Spot your friendly PCC: they always wear blue!
Ms Decinee tells me that having vet-trained staff to help with queries in-store is unique to the Pet Lovers Centre. If you’re a new owner, apprehensive about caring for a pet, don’t worry. The PCCs will guide you to take good care of your pets.
PCCs are also tasked with taking care of their in-store animals and raising them to be healthy and happy. Don’t worry, those cute critters behind the glass are in good hands!
Ultimately, PCCs are there to ensure the well-being of all animals. As Ms Decinee tells me, she finds it rewarding when customers are happy with their pets and tell her stories about their antics.
You don’t even have to leave the house to visit the PLC. Got a problem? Need extra supplies? Take it online. The forums are manned by the head PCC, so if you have a pressing question, ask and it will be answered by an expert. You can even get all your pet needs online – delivery is free with a minimum purchase of $80.
Visit the virtual PLC here.
The Pet Safaris are like PLC megastores. And by megastore I mean they stock almost everything. It promises a fun experience for you and your pets, and each one has a different theme.
I visited the Caribbean Island-themed The Pet Safari at VivoCity and props to their attention to detail! The entrance is shaped like the prow of a ship and items are displayed in treasure boxes. The store also has the cutest in-house terrapins.
You can shop with your pets. That’s right, your pets must be leashed at all times, but they can enter the store and browse the shelves with you. That means you can ask your pet’s opinion of a product before buying it.
The tagline of the PLC, it’s obvious the moment you step into the store that their range of pet supplies is almost unparalleled. The rows and rows of stuff might seem intimidating, but if you’re unsure what’s best for your pet, you can ask the PCCs for help.
The variety is no joke either. I looked around the store and noted an impressive array of imported pet products. Fancy some Japanese treats for your pet? If you’re looking for affordable but good quality pet food and accessories, get them from PLC’s house brands, Burp! and Trustie.
Even within the Burp! range, there are many flavours of cat food to choose from!
Plenty of supplies for every type of pet – from rodents to fishes.
As for the freshness, the staff at the VivoCity outlet was busy unloading tons of new supplies. The number of outlets means that stock sells out fast, especially perishables like pet food and pet treats.
It goes without saying that us Singaporeans are cheapo. We love buying food in bulk from warehouses and you can do the same for your pets at PLC’s warehouse in their IHQ retail outlet, where you can save by buying more at one go.
I asked a few of my friends who are PLC members, and it seems as if this warehouse is not very well known. It’s probably because the PLC IHQ retail outlet just opened in February this year. Find it here.
Keeping a pet can be expensive, which is why we seize every opportunity to get a discount. It’s alright if you don’t have enough time to go all the way to the warehouse, because VIP (Very Important Pet Parent) members get loyalty points, lucky draws, vouchers and birthday discounts.
BUT if you’re not a VIP member, you won’t be disadvantaged. In the words of Ms Decinee, the treatment of all customers remains the same, whoever you are.
Adopting a pet can be a difficult process, but Pet Lovers Centre aims to ease the way for new pet owners. If you’re thinking of adopting a pet, remember to sign up for the puppy or kitten bonus plan, which entitles you to one free bag of pet food and a pre-activated VIP membership card.
It’s not just a pet store. PLC is more like a single stop for all your pet needs. Their Holland Village outlet has a veterinary clinic and if you’re going overseas, the Turf City branch offers a day care service.
We just gave Pika a bath and we know how difficult it is to deal with an unwilling pet. Most of PLC’s larger outlets have an in-store grooming service.
Find your nearest pet groomer here.
Nope, that’s not human food. Treat your dog in style, with freshly baked snacks from the US Doggie Bakery. You can find US Doggie Bakery outlets in PLC’s VivoCity, Nex Mall and Eastpoint Mall outlets. I’m jealous – they look good enough to eat.
Since PLC has 85 outlets in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand combined, there’s bound to be one in your area. All their outlets are convenient, making it easy for you to pop in and out, especially if you only need to buy a few items.
Your pet will be all groomed and shiny and waiting for you to come back!
And the best part about PLCs located in shopping centres: you can send your pet to the groomer’s, shop to your heart’s delight, then come back and retrieve your pooch.
PLC’s care for pets extends beyond its stores. Pet Lovers Foundation (PLF) was created by PLC to raise funds for animal welfare organisations, some of which include Save Our Street Dogs, Cat Welfare Society, Action for Singapore Dogs and the Animal Lovers League. It’s not just about pets – PLF aims to serve “Pets, people and our planet”.
PLF organises food donation drives, and also arranges for proceeds from the sale of Burp! and Trustie products as well as other exclusive imports to be donated by PLC to PLF on an on-going basis.
If you’re looking for a pet, try their cat and dog adoption drives first!
After visiting a PLC and The Pet Safari, I want to get a pet of my own now. Caring for a pet can be exhausting, but I like how streamlined all of PLC’s services are. It’s a relief to know my pet will be well taken care of, if I ever adopt one.
PLC’s love for animals is undeniable – it’s small wonder that so many pet owners entrust their pets to their care. To new pet owners, the process of getting a pet may be lengthy, but it’s because they want to ensure that you are equipped with all the right supplies and skills to care for a pet. As Ms Decinee says, “a pet is a life. Think and think again before buying!”
Pet Lovers Centre (PLC) is a home-grown pet retail and service chain that was founded in 1973 as a family hobby business. The company only rapidly grew since the second generation of the Ng family took over in 1995. Since then, they have expanded to Malaysia and eventually to Asia.
To date, it is the largest pet chain store within Singapore and Malaysia, with outlets in Thailand as well.
A pioneer in the pet food and accessory retail industry in Singapore, PLC is a household name today, known for its ability to offer its customers the widest and freshest range, coupled with prompt and warm service.
PLC is an Associate member of WWPIA (Worldwide Pet Industry Association).
Influential Brands is a consumer insight driven awards programme which provides a platform for brands to celebrate their achievement; for consumers, businesses and stakeholders to recognise the brands’ efforts in arriving where they are today. The study conducted by Influential Brands is purely consumer driven and the Top Brands are selected by consumers through their perception and preference, demonstrating the level of impact and influence of the brands in each consumer’s life.
Influential Brands seeks to identify consumer preferences, their behaviours, values and to understand how the ever-changing environment affects consumer experience in the purchase journey. The programme is tailored to enrich the brands’ relationship with their consumers through ongoing meaningful conversations and engagement.
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This post was brought to you by Pet Lovers Centre.
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