
9 Challenges To Try At Home For Those Bored Out Of Their Minds

Challenges and games to play at home

Challenges to try at homeChallenges to try at home
Fun challenges at home
Image credit (clockwise from top left): TheSmartLocal, @esra.tok.vegan, Eatbook, and Simply Nailogical

Now everyone’s stuck at home during this extended Circuit Breaker season, in hopes of keeping COVID-19 at bay. Staying at home isn’t that bad – you can finally catch up on the Netflix series you’ve been putting off for a while, or have a go with making easy-to-cook meals.

If you’ve unfortunately maxed out your options, we’ve got 9 challenges for you to give a go while you’re living your hermit self. 

Other than these challenges, check out our other articles surrounding the Circuit Breaker here:

1. ASEAN Spicy Challenge

Image credit: Eatbook

Tons of viral videos are up online showcasing the horrors of the world’s most spiciest peppers. Over in Southeast Asia, Mister Potato and Daebak created their own version of the One Chip Challenge, the ASEAN Spicy Challenge. This challenge requires you to record yourself eating the whole can of the Ghost Pepper potato chips to prove you can tahan the spice. 

Even though ice and milk as emergency aids are welcome, the real challenge here is seeing how long you can last before relying on those to neutralise the burn. Been wanting to find out if your family’s chili padi spice training has paid off? Nab those potato chips from 7-Eleven for $1.80/canister to find out.

2. Food Russian Roulette

Image adapted from: @esra.tok.vegan

Chocolate chip cookies are good midday snacks or even a bomb dessert with ice-cream. Imagine taking a bite out of one only to find that they’ve been spiked with wasabi. That’s essentially the Food Russian Roulette. Have the fam gather around the freshly-baked cookies, with half of the batch tainted with whatever you like – be it wasabi, tabasco sauce, or even chili padi.

Food Russian Roulette can be played with any food of your choice. You could spike sushi with a crazy amount of wasabi in them, or make pancakes packed with breath mints. Be sure the rest of the fam are okay with handling the surprise before they sign themselves up for the challenge.

3. Whisper Challenge

Hearing your parents or siblings nag at you may be an everyday affair for some. However, having your family members to whisper or even scream over loud music blasting in your ears could be a first. Be sure to play this Whisper Challenge during the weekends so you guys won’t disturb fellow WFH peeps.

The challenge requires 2 players – one with noise-cancelling earphones on, and the other with the deck of cards with words and phrases to guess. The player with the deck of cards will have to convey whatever’s written on the card to the guessing player. After a round has ended, the 2 players switch roles and continue the game. The player with the most correct guesses wins.

4. Riff Off Challenge

Image credit: Universal Pictures

For those born into a family that’s naturally musically inclined, you might be keen on a Riff Off challenge. If you’ve watched a snippet of Pitch Perfect,  you’ll have a rough idea of what the rules are. Take this Riff Off to your living room with your siblings, the whole family, or even your friends over a Skype call. 

A Riff Off starts off with a theme. For example, if the theme is 90s music, one party will have to sing any song from that era. The next party will then sing another song that contains the last word from the previous song. If any party hesitates or forgets the lyrics to their song will lose to the other party.

5. 24 Hours Challenge

There’s so many variations to the 24 Hours Challenge, be it spending 24 hours on online shopping to spending all that time in your bathroom. Another popular take on this challenge is to speak in your mother tongue for 24 hours. No English, no charades, just pure language. 

Everyone mostly knows how to carry a basic convo in their mother tongue, unless we use it for daily conversations at home, most of us are more than just a little rusty. With this challenge, test your proficiency over the course of a day and see if it makes your parents or grandparents crack up.  

6. Planking Challenge

Those who’re living the #fitspo life might know that planking is known for strengthening your core as well as your back. And if you’re confident that the past few weeks of home exercise has made you stronger than ever, challenge your kakis to a little Planking Challenge.

Instead of planking for a set time, see how long you can hold the plank for and compare your timings with your siblings or friends. If you’d like to upgrade this challenge, have a mass webcam competition with your friends over Zoom, Skype, or Google Hangouts. The last one remaining in a planking position wins.

7. Blindfolded Hairstyle Challenge

Styling your hair with hair gel or tying your hair into braids are probably easy to do by yourself. But hairstyling blindfolded? Now that’s a whole different ball game. Try this on an unsuspecting family member with long enough locks or have someone do the same for you, and you’re set for an endless amount of laughs when the blindfold is finally revealed.

First, have a hairstyle idea in mind, be it simple or full-on complicated. Next, let your partner attempt to duplicate the hairstyle blindfolded. Make sure you have a comb on standby to detangle potential hairballs. It’s best to stay away from hair straighteners and curling iron to prevent any sort of injury to you or your blindfolded partner.

8. 100 Layers Of Nail Polish Challenge

If you’ve seen how the “100 Layers Of ___” challenges have proliferated social media, you’ve probably seen the 100 Layers Of Nail Polish Challenge. If you’ve got nothing much going on and nail polish lying around your room, why not give this challenge a go. 

The challenge simply requires you to coat your nails with 100 coats of nail polish. But, the catch is that you’ll have to wait for each coat to dry before moving on to the next layer. Try and beat the average record of 20 hours. For those who can’t stay up past midnight, get your caffeine boost before doing this time-consuming challenge.

Also, here’s a gentle PSA that if you’re using a curing lamp for gelish nail polish, be sure to have SPF on your hands to protect them from the lamp’s UV rays.

9. Duplicate Image Challenge

Image credit: @rachgoddard

Every family has a photo album or two filled with all of your childhood pictures. You might even be able to find an old Facebook album of yourself in some of the cringiest poses with your family. Recreate those nostalgic pictures with the Duplicate Image Challenge.

Just as its name states, you and your family members try to replicate those old pictures and take an updated one. Think of it as an X-year-challenge of sorts. Be it your kindergarten graduation photo or an old family portrait, it’ll definitely make for a cute game for the family to bond and have a good laugh over.

Fun challenges at home

Circuit Breaker life is only as boring as you make it out to be. Other than making dalgona coffee or indulging in long-lost hobbies, spice up a day of the week and have a blast with the fam with one or all of these crazy challenges. Post the outcomes of these challenges online and tag your friends to get them in on the fun.

Read our other articles on what you can do during this Circuit Breaker season:

Yana Kadir

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