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11 Gorgeous Places In Australia’s Northern Territory That Are Nothing Like Sydney & Melbourne


Outback Adventures In Australia’s Northern Territory


australia northern territory field light installation

Adapted from Source: @flightie_life

The Northern Territory boasts the real deal of the Australian Outback – vast, open plains dusted with a deep orange-red colour, small colonies of unique desert plants and wildlife roaming the lands.

With the best sights of the Northern Territory spread out over 1.421 million square kilometres, it’s the perfect place to set off on a road trip, riding down the freeway with your windows wound down.

Just so you don’t waste precious daylight hours deciding what to do, here are the best things you can find in the Northern Territory:


1. Dine under the stars at the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park


For a romantic date with your partner and nature, head down to the Sounds Of Silence dining experience. Satisfy your hunger from an entire day of travelling with a four-hours long buffet dinner, with dishes made with native bush ingredients such as lemon myrtle and Kakadu plums, and constant refills of Australian wine and beer.

dine under the stars at the Sounds Of Silence

Source: @whereswiwi

If you take a moment to look up into the starry night sky, you’ll be awed by how clear the stars and constellations are. So, sit back and allow the resident star-expert to locate the different stars for you.

watch the outback light up in colours

Source: @flightie_life

The Field Of Light Uluru installation, running till March 2018, is another worthy sight in the night. You’ll witness the Uluru plains light up in a myriad of colours against the silhouette of Uluru (Ayers Rock).


2. Explore the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park on feet or on a camel


Relaxing at night will feel well-deserved if you’ve spent your entire day walking Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park. Stretching from just 600m to over 7km, through the Walpa Gorge and the Valley Of The Winds, there are varying difficulties of walks for even the most unfit of us.

ayers rock best visited during sunrise

Ayers Rock. Source: @louieooie

To get the best moments out of the walk, start from Ayers Rock at sunrise and end at The Olgas at sunset. These massive rock formations will make you feel like an ant, looking upon giant red sugar blocks in all their grandeur, when the sunlight hits at just the right angle.

the view of the olgas from helicopter

The Olgas. Source: @rmarxen

ride on camels if walking gets too tiring

Source: @superbuckets

Tip: As an alternative to walking, ride through the sand dunes on camelback.


3. Enjoy the adrenaline rush when plunging freefall from 12,000 feet


Adrenaline junkies, this is for you. If the landscape view of the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park isn’t enough, go forth and capture the aerial view with your GoPro as you plunge down to the ground from 12,000 feet.

skydive in tandem with a trusty instructor

Source: @skydiveuluru

The Uluru Tandem Skydive experience takes you on a scenic plane ride passing over sights like Kata Tjuta, Lake Amadeus, and Mt. Connor, before letting gravity take over. Experience how maximum free fall feels like before the parachute brings you safely back to the ground.

You don’t have to feel the weight of the responsibility to release the parachute because there’ll be an expert skydiver with you to do that. All you have to do is scream.


4. Cool down with a swim in the most gorgeous of gorges


With the scorching sun on your skin, it’s time to go for a swim. At Kakadu National Park and Litchfield National Park, you can swim in the natural waters of the gorges and creeks surrounded by wildlife and intricate rock formations.

cool down in a natural swimming pool

Kakadu National Park. Source: @supertramp.ontheroad

For an all-natural shower, swim in the gorges and pools at Jim Jim Falls and Twin Falls, the two most famous waterfalls in Kakadu. If you’re in Litchfield, head over to Florence Falls for a similar experience.

the majestic jim jim falls

Source: @wondererlands

Tip: Travel conditions to these waterfalls may differ in different periods, so do check on the latest updates when planning your trip.

bird-watching at the yellow water

Source: @tee_lee_1

Head down to the Yellow Water in Kakadu National Park where you can go all David Attenborough on a river cruise. This is also a bird-watchers’ paradise with over a dozen of species you can spot.


5. Take in spectacular views at Kings Canyon


Newbie adventurers might be intimidated by the word “king” used to described this canyon, but don’t be deterred. It’s called Kings Canyon as it exudes an air of grandeur and has the deepest gorge in the Northern Territory. 

climb atop the deepest gorge in the northern territory

Source: @amazingvacations_india

Choose from a 2km, 6km or 22km walk – the shortest walk takes you around the bottom of the gorge while the 6km loop contours the top of the canyon. Keep a lookout on your trek for sights such as the Garden of Eden and The Lost City too.

the garden of eden

Swim in the Garden Of Eden, surrounded by lush green. Source

the lost city

The Lost City – rock formations that seem to make up an ancient city. Source

If you’re feeling especially adventurous, take the two-day long, 22km Giles Track. Some of the native wildlife you get to discover include spinifex pigeons, rock-wallabies, euros, goannas and pythons – so obscure you’ll probably have to Google Images the animals.

Tip: Due to unfavourable weather condition, the walks at Kings Canyon in Watarrka National Park may be closed. Do check on the latest updates about the National Park before you venture on.


6. Get to the deepest camping sites of Katherine Gorge on a canoe


visit a total of thirteen gorges that make up the Katherine gorge

Source: @addressplanetearth

A total of thirteen gorges make up the entire Katherine Gorge but the river cruise boat will not be able to access the deeper gorges that are narrower and taller. So that you don’t miss out on the more scenic gorges found deep within, you have to use the slimmest mode of transport across water – canoes.

canoe with friends through the Katherine gorge


Take a canoe and gather your friends to go on an ache-inducing but rewarding canoe trip through the gorge. If it gets too tiring, there are small beaches along the way for you to rest.

The Katherine Gorge has a few campsites in the deeper gorges where you can spend the night on a beach surrounded by towering cliffs, blue waters, and the sleep-inducing sounds of nature.


7. Super garang souls can do a 223-km long hike starting from Alice Springs


be rewarded with this view only if you're garang

Source: @viktorposnov

The Larapinta Trail is known to be one of the world’s best long-distance hiking trails. It’s a 12-14 days long walk through Australia’s Red Centre, which takes you to all kinds of terrain.


Source: @jody_bloomer

Though the trail, catch sight of over 600 species of flora and wildlife. Of course, you need to be well-trained and prepared to traverse the plains of the outback.

hot air balloon ride

Source: @windowseattraveller

As for those who’d prefer something more chill at Alice Springs, you can visit the reptile centre and kangaroo sanctuary or get on a hot air balloon ride over the Northern Territory.


8. Be awed by crocodiles jumping out of the Adelaide River


Fans of the late Steve Irwin can live out his legacy by getting close to crocodiles – but not as close as he did.

crocodile jumping

Source: @shandogtours

The Spectacular Jumping Crocodile Cruise brings you across Adelaide River, where you can witness colossal crocodiles leaping out of the water to snatch up pieces of meat hanging from the boat side.


9. Soak yourself in turquoise water at the hot springs of Mataranka


enjoy a hot bath in crystal blue waters

Source: @wjankowitz

After days of travelling and garang activities, it’s time to sit back, relax and let your muscles cool down. The best place to do that: the natural springs at Mataranka. At Mataranka Springs, with surrounding palm trees and turquoise-coloured spring water at a constant temperature of 34 degrees, it’ll feel like a beach resort holiday.


10. Catch the sunset at the Mindil Beach Sunset Market


With festivals being all the rage now, grab your favourite beach chair, picnic mat and head down to the Mindil Beach Sunset Market.

sunset market

Source: @charlieblissphotography

It’s the perfect break from all the adventure, where you can just take a chill pill and enjoy an evening of music, food and festivities in the golden glow of the Australian sunset.

Note: Mindil Beach Sunset Market is a seasonal market that only operates from the last Thursday in April to the last Thursday in October.


11. Explore the mysteries behind the Devils Marbles


This mind-boggling rock formation will leave you staring for longer than expected. The Devils Marbles are huge granite boulders that are precariously balanced – it’s as if these rock formations defy gravity.

devils marbles

Source: @leamarteau

With these stones scattered across the valley in the same manner, it’ll seem like you’re in a desert planet from a sci-fi movie.


The adventure of a lifetime in the Northern Territory of Australia


This lesser known part of Australia has a wide range of activities suitable for everyone – from the most cautious of people to the biggest daredevil.

A trip to the Northern Territory would be the greatest escape from your desk job, where you can explore the Australian outback and reconnect with nature. You’ll even have time to let your body rest, do nothing at all and watch the blue sky turn red momentarily before being covered in a blanket of stars.


Explore Australia’s uncharted territory for cheap


The dry season has just started, which makes it the perfect time to explore the region, especially when most of the attractions are only open during this period.

cheap tickets


That’s why there’s no better time to take advantage of cheap return flights from Singapore to Darwin or Alice Springs. Going from $303, this deal gets even better, with a $30 discount when booking your tickets through All you have to do is quote AUSNT30 upon checkout.

cheap tickets


For further discounts, book a minimum of three nights hotel accommodation together with a minimum of two adult return flights to get a $100 cash rebate.

Note: Do hurry because the promo code only works for the first 100 bookings. All bookings must be done before 10 June 2017.

Book’s travel deals here!

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