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Interview with Aaron Khoo (Djehuty) of Wah!Banana


If you’ve been following the local YouTube scene, you’re bound to have stumbled across a few of Wah!Banana’s productions. The Singaporean YouTube channel produces high quality comedy videos similar to nigahigaIn fact, we had featured them ranking as the #1 local youtube channel just a few months ago in our “Best youtubers in Singapore” list.

So I had the opportunity to ask Aaron Khoo (Djehuty) a few questions regarding their YouTube channel Wah!Banana and luckily for me, Aaron is also well known in the local gaming scene – to be more specific, Garena- under the name of Djehuty.

Moving on!

The Interview 

Q: A lovely good evening to you Aaron Khoo from the Wah!Banana team and thank you for taking the time to do this interview with us, how fares the month of July?

July has been great! Wah!Banana went past the 100,000 subscriber mark this month and that has been a huge achievement for the team.

Q: Let’s start by introducing yourself to our readers, what is your role in the Wah!Banana team and how involved are you in the local gaming scene? 

On the Wah!Banana team each and every member takes part in almost every aspect of the videos from scripting to directing and editing. I’m a shoutcaster at Garena for League of Legends, one of the largest eSports games at the moment.

Q: For the people who aren’t familiar with Wah!Banana, you guys are a local YouTube channel producing comedy videos similar to Nigahiga and have became fairly popular considering Wah!Banana started only less than a year ago. What was the inspiration and driving motivation to start out a YouTube channel?

We started out producing gaming related YouTube content and soon discovered that there was a demand for local comedy that was being met. After realising that we decided to branch out into more general comedy.

I want a banner like that!


Q: The Wah!Banana team currently consists of only 4 people and the dedication to produce new content every Thursday. Has that been stressful for you guys to consider adding more members to the crew? 

Churning out content every week is definitely a challenge, but I feel that having a set date helps to keep the team motivated. As for new member, you’ll just have to wait and see 🙂

Garena, Garena never changes. 



Q: What is it like being part of the Garena Staff? Can you tell us which are you favourite Garena games and why?

Being part of Garena has been an amazing experience. I’ve really been allowed to learn and grow thanks to large amount of exposure I’ve received during my time in the company. My favourite Garena game by far is League of Legends. I’ve always had a love for MOBAs and I know this may sound biased but in my humble opinion, LoL is the best one out there.

Q: You are well known in the local League of Legends community as an Editor for Garena and a shoutcaster for LoL, how long have you been commentating for games and what aspired you to shoutcast for the e-sports scene?

I’ve been commentating for almost two years now. My first shoutcasting gig was actually just an impromptu one where I volunteered to give it a try at one of our events. Ever since then it’s kinda stuck and the thrill of casting an epic match is unmatched.

Summoner’s Rift, a bloody chaotic and hectic battlefield 


Q: Is there any upcoming gaming tournaments or events here in Singapore that you are highly anticipating right now? 

I’m really looking forward to the Garena Premier League Playoffs which is going to take place later this month in Taiwan. In Singapore, I’m anticipating the second season of The Legends Circuit.

Q: Thank you so much for having this chat with us Aaron Khoo and best wishes the Wah!Banana team and Garena!

Thanks so much for the interview. The Wah!Banana team; Jason, Janice and Elliot would also like to extend their warm regards!


The holidays finally befall me and I will finally have the time to start writing gaming reviews and articles in the coming weeks ahead! Also keep an eye out as me and Bryan will be having a live interview with Adrian Pang and Sally Ann Triplett regarding their latest Pangdemonium play – Next To Normal.

Also check out my latest Gaming Interviews!