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Vietnamese Boy Jumps Into Sewer To Rescue Trapped Kitten, Earning Netizens’ Praise

Vietnamese boy came to the rescue of a kitten

Everyone loves cute animals. After all, if a pup or a kitten approaches you with those innocent eyes, how could you turn away without giving it a treat and a pat on the head first?

The love that this Vietnamese boy has for animals, however, is on a whole different level. Upon hearing the cries of a little kitten trapped in a sewer, he did not hesitate to jump into the murky water to help the animal. Needless to say, his act earned lots of praise from netizens.

Jumping into the sewer to save a trapped kitten

The story was first shared by a Facebook user by the name Nguyễn Đạt Tiến on the popular forum Beatvn, where many Vietnamese youths share information and interesting occurrences.

According to Tiến, the boy was playing with his friends when he heard a kitten’s cries coming from the sewer. After fumbling around for a while trying to help the little creature without success, the boy ran back to his house to fetch a net and jumped into the sewer himself.

vietnamese boy rescue kitten
Image credit: Nguyễn Đạt Tiến

The next pictures show the boy emerging from the sewer with the trapped kitten resting safely in the net in his hand.

vietnamese boy rescue kitten
Image credit: Nguyễn Đạt Tiến

Judging from the pictures, we can see that the sewer was too small for an adult to go in. If not for the boy’s big heart, the poor kitten’s life would surely have been forfeited.

vietnamese boy rescue kitten
Image credit: Nguyễn Đạt Tiến

Netizens tip their hats in respect

Understandably, the boy’s act of kindness attracted tons of sentiments from netizens. Just a couple of days after the story was posted, it has earned nearly 23,000 likes and hundreds of shares on Facebook.

Many commented on the thread to show their appreciation. Netizen Viet Anh Pham wrote, “Even many adults wouldn’t be willing to do such a thing. This little guy is a true man.”

Image credit: Nguyễn Đạt Tiến

“Such a kind boy. He’ll grow to be the man of every woman’s dream!” Another user named Lam Phương commented.

Image credit: Nguyễn Đạt Tiến

Some others also expressed concerns for the boy’s own safety. Netizen Minh Tú said the act was commendable, but if the boy were to do such a thing again in the future, he should wear protective boots in case there are pieces of shattered glass in the water.

Image credit: Nguyễn Đạt Tiến

Saving trapped kitten from the sewer

It is stories like these that make us believe more in humanity. Hopefully, this boy’s action will inspire more people to lend a helping hand to others, be they humans or animals.

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Cover image adapted from Nguyễn Đạt Tiến

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