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Vietnamese Scrapper Finds USD10,000 In A Locker He Bought For Less Than USD1, Returns To Original Owner

Vietnamese scrapper returns fortune to owner

Those of us who’ve come across a lost wallet will have probably returned it to its rightful owner and felt good about ourselves for doing the right thing. However, doing the right thing can be incredibly difficult sometimes – let’s say, when the wallet happens to contain a fortune that might possibly change your life, for instance.

That is what made the action of Mr Lư Ngọc Duy – a humble scrapper living in the central Vietnamese city of Quảng Ngãi – so respectable. Upon finding a fortune worth USD10,000 hidden in a piece of old furniture that he bought and dismantled for scraps, he immediately sought a way to return it to the original owner.

A righteous heart unfettered by difficulty

Mr Duy was born in an underprivileged family. During his teenage years, he was also diagnosed with a heart disease, and the surgery he had to undergo only served to push his family into further financial struggles.

In order to make ends meet, Mr Duy turned to collecting used cans and other disposed items to sell for scraps. Little did he know, this path would lead to him becoming the protagonist of a story shared by thousands of Vietnamese netizens.

On 26th April, during one of his scavenging trips, Mr. Duy bought an old locker from a man for VND20,000 (~USD0.86), intending to dismantle it for scraps. Unbeknownst to the seller, though, his wife had stashed her entire life savings inside that locker – a fortune estimated to be worth VND230,000,000 (~USD10,000).

Upon breaking down the locker at home and finding the treasure inside, Mr. Duy contacted the police without second thoughts, and within the day, the money was returned to the original owner.

Mr Duy (right) returning the money to its original owner


His action was praised by the local authority

Mr Duy receiving a certificate of good deeds from the local authority
Image credit: Mộ Đức yêu thương

Mr Duy’s righteous act did not go unnoticed. On 28th April, the local authority held a ceremony in his honor, bestowing him with a “certificate of good deeds”.

Many charitable individuals in the area also chipped in a total of VND15,000,000 (~USD644.21) to gift to Mr. Duy as thanks for his exemplary display of integrity.

Netizens show their respect

Mr Duy’s story has also been shared by thousands of netizens on Facebook, earning him the respect of many.

“Incredible! This country needs more people like him,” netizen Quý Linh wrote.

Image credit: Beatvn

“A heart of gold, a respectable character! Wish you and your family health and fortune,” another user nicknamed Thuy Dien Nguyen commented.


Vietnamese scrapper returns lost money to owner

A good deed goes a long way in making the world a better place. Clearly, Mr Duy’s virtuous act has helped promote positivity in the community, something we sorely need in these trying times when many common laborers are suffering from job losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are glad to see that he’s getting the recognition he deserves.

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Cover image adapted from: VIỆT NAM YÊU THƯƠNG

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