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Man In Ho Chi Minh City Devises Rope-And-Pulley System To Fetch His Lunch Delivery Order, Takes Social Distancing To The Next Level

How a Saigon man got his lunch delivered during COVID-19

As the COVID-19 situation in Vietnam is rapidly worsening, people have begun to come up with their own social distancing measures – and that includes interactions with food delivery staff.

use rope to fetch delivery
Slowly letting down the rope
Image credit: Thy Nguyen

In a recent post by Thy Nguyen in ANH EM SÀI GÒN Group, a photo showing a man deftly pulling up his Texas Chicken food delivery order with a rope from the ground floor to his balcony has garnered much attention and compliments from netizens.

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Finally, the package has arrived
Image credit: Thy Nguyen

Social distancing measures have yet to be strictly imposed in many public spaces in Vietnam, but this man has definitely taken it very seriously. He literally followed the government’s social distancing instructions asking every citizen to stay right where they are to slow down COVID-19 transmission.

Netizens praise the man’s ingenuity

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The Grab delivery courier on a motorcycle patiently waiting for the package he tied to the rope to reach his customer
Image credit: Thy Nguyen

Meanwhile, the cooperation of the patient Grab delivery biker has also earned praise from netizens.

“This is superb! Even coronavirus has to bow down to this kind of social distancing delivery,” Nguyen Hien commented in praise of the man’s homemade rope-and-pulley system.

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Image credit: Thy Nguyen 

Thy Nguyen also commented on his post, “In tough times like this, this kind of delivery is the way to go. The courier has a cooperative attitude, while the recipient has a high IQ. These guys gave coronavirus a run for its money.”

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Image credit: Thy Nguyen

Social distancing is important

Social distancing measures such as ordering people to maintain a 1 to 2-meter gap between one another have been widely implemented in other countries, but these rules have yet to be legally enforced in Vietnam.

However, the Vietnamese government has been raising social awareness by texting Vietnamese mobile users regularly, asking them to wash their hands and to stay home to slow the spread of the virus. Many Vietnamese are also beginning to take social and physical distancing seriously, trying to maintain a safe gap whenever possible.

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A Grab delivery courier places his package on his bike handlebar, while waiting for the recipient to pick it up
Image credit: Thy Nguyen

Many have resorted to online grocery shopping instead of going out. Online shopping delivery drivers try many ways to maintain a safe distance with their recipient.

One of the most popular and easy ways is to drop the package at a midpoint, about 1 meter from each person, and wait for the recipient to pick it up.

Personal hygiene is also crucial during COVID-19

The coronavirus can stay alive for hours to days on surfaces, so successfully getting your delivery with minimal social interaction is just the first step.

Remember to put on gloves before touching any package, or clean your hands with hand sanitizer or soap right after you do so.

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Cover image adapted from Thy Nguyen

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