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Vietnamese Around The Country Give Out Food To The Underprivileged During COVID-19 Pandemic

Vietnamese help one another with free food

In its battle against COVID-19, Vietnam has been achieving good results and has had many patients treated for the coronavirus testing negative twice in a row.

However, for many who have lost their jobs or lack enough savings to tide over this economic crisis, their situations are far from looking up.

With that in mind, Vietnamese people across the country are chipping in to coronavirus relief efforts to support vulnerable groups of people.

Ordinary Vietnamese people are giving food away

From individuals to groups, students to celebrities, more Vietnamese are lending a hand in the most practical way possible.

prepare free food
Hot meals wrapped in packages are displayed outside a house in Saigon
Image credit: Tôi là dân Gò Vấp

Many restaurants and individuals around the country have been photographed laying out displaying food packages and basic necessities in public, and putting up on signs that read, “Take one if you need. If you’re doing fine, leave this for someone who really needs it.”

free hot meal for the poor
Hot meals prepared by the restaurant Quán Cơm xã hội nụ cười 4 before being handed out. Recipients can choose between banh mi or hot meals.
Image credit: Quán cơm xã hội nụ cười 4

From hot meals to takeaway to cooking ingredients, people are supporting those in need in every possible way. A typical free hot meal comes with rice, meat or fish, vegetables, and soup.

Saigonese hands out free food
A Saigonese resident sitting by a pile of rice packages and a sign that says “Take one if you need. If you’re doing fine, leave it for someone who really needs it.”
Image credit: Tôi là dân Gò Vấp

Some even donate heavy sacks of rice that can feed a family for a month.

One good deed can create a domino effect

Vietnamese hands out free food
A man in Hai Phong handing out 20KG packages of rice to those in need
Image credit: Hải Phòng

Mr Đồng Đức Hiếu, a man in Hải Phòng in northeastern Vietnam, was photographed by his neighbors handing out 20KG sacks of rice to those who needed it.

giving away free food
A donor donating groceries and food to a cardboard collector
Image credit:
Quán cơm xã hội nụ cười 4

One selfless act can create a chain reaction of many good deeds to follow, so hopefully these contributions will spur others into helping those affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

Some places in Ho Chi Minh City that serve free food or sell affordable food below VND5,000 (~USD0.21) daily

1. Quán cơm xã hội nụ cười 1

Price: VND2,000(~USD0.085) per set
Address: 596 Trần Hưng Đạo B, Ward 14, District 5
Opening hours: Mon-Sat, 10.30AM-4PM

2. Quán cơm xã hội nụ cười 2

Address: 488 Trường Chinh, Ward 13, Tân Bình District
Opening hours: Mon-Sat, 10.30AM-4PM
Telephone: 090 680 58 38

3. Quán cơm xã hội nụ cười 4

Address: 148 Bến Vân Đồn, Ward 6, District 4
Opening hours: 10.30AM-4PM, Daily

4. Quán cơm xã hội nụ cười 7

Address: 68/2 Lữ Gia, Ward 5, District 11
Opening hours: Mon-Sat, 10.30AM-4PM
Telephone: 090 251 54 90

5. Quán cơm xã hội nụ cười 8

Address: 1276 Huỳnh Tấn Phát, Phú Mỹ Ward, District 7
Opening hours: Mon-Sat, 10.30AM-4PM
Telephone: 0904 448 327

6. Cơm chay xã hội Cường Béo (vegetarian-friendly)

Address: 213 Lê Văn Lương, Tân Kiểng Ward, District 7
Opening hours: 10.30AM, Daily (only 100 sets per day)
Telephone: 097 772 0146

Every contribution counts

Not only a donation of any size at this point will help someone tide over tough times, but it also will help promote unity in our society. As long as we’re all in this together, we can make sure nobody is left behind.

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Cover image adapted from: Tôi là dân Gò Vấp and Quán cơm xã hội nụ cười 4

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