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One More COVID-19 Patient Case Relapses In Vietnam, But Expert Explains Why We Don’t Need To Worry

COVID-19 in Vietnam, update on 6th May 2020

For the 20th day in a row, Vietnam continues to report no new cases of COVID-19 community transmission. However, one relapse was reported in Hồ Chí Minh City yesterday evening.

But according to an expert, the chance of relapsed patients spreading the disease is extremely slim, and “we don’t need to worry”.

With the COVID-19 situation under control, Vietnam is taking steps to help citizens abroad return home. Since yesterday, 240 Vietnamese residents who had been stuck in France have made it back safely.

One relapse reported, but an expert explains why we don’t need to worry

An expert has affirmed that we don’t need to worry about relapses
(Photo for illustration purposes only)
Image credit: Fernando Zhiminaicela

The latest relapse case is a 10-year-old boy living in Hồ Chí Minh City. He returned from the Czech Republic on 14th March and was quarantined upon testing positive for COVID-19. He was later discharged on 10th April.  This is the 15th relapse reported in Vietnam so far.

Dr. Nguyễn Văn Kính, head of the Vietnamese Association for Infectious Diseases, said that the real-time RT-PCR test – the most popular method of detecting the coronavirus currently – only detects genetic materials and cannot determine whether the virus is active or not.

When a patient tests positive again after several negative tests, it could be because their body has yet to fully dispose of the lingering genetic materials, he said.

Further monitoring of the relapsed patients shows that they don’t have any symptoms, and up to now, there has not been any case of people contracting the virus from these patients.

“In terms of public health, we don’t need to worry about these relapses,” Dr. Kính affirmed.

Vietnam welcomes 240 citizens back from France

240 Vietnamese residents have returned from France today
(Photo for illustration purposes only)
Image credit: Đoàn bay 919

240 Vietnamese citizens who had been living in France have arrived at the Vân Đồn Airport in Quảng Ninh Province this morning in a flight facilitated by the Vietnamese Embassy in France.

The majority of these are minors under 18, the elderly, and students who had been forced out when campuses at their schools closed. They were all quarantined upon arrival.

Lockdown order lifted from former COVID-19 cluster

Residents of the former COVID-19 cluster of Hạ Lôi Hamlet rejoiced as restraints around their hamlet were removed from 12AM today
Image credit:

On 6th April 2020, it was discovered that a man who had contracted the coronavirus had gone unchecked in the community for several days, infecting 12 others in the Hạ Lôi Hamlet where he lives and turning it into a major COVID-19 cluster.

Responding quickly to contain the disease, the government issued a 28-day lockdown order on the hamlet and deployed medical workers to disinfect the entire area.

Thanks to these decisive preventive measures, no new cases have been found in the hamlet since 15th April 2020, and today, restraints around the hamlet have been removed.

The COVID-19 situation in Vietnam

It is indeed reassuring to hear that the risk of relapsed patients spreading COVID-19 is minimal. However, it doesn’t hurt to be extra careful, so until the pandemic is completely snuff out, it’s best that we adhere to the government’s health advisories and take precautions such as wearing masks and avoiding crowds.

For more COVID-19 stories, check out:


Cover image adapted from Bệnh Viện Sản Nhi Quảng Ninh

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