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8 Recoveries & No New Cases In The Past 24 Hours Bring Vietnam’s Active COVID-19 Cases Down To Only 39

COVID-19 in Vietnam, update on 12th May 2020

With no new COVID-19 patients spotted since our last update yesterday, Vietnam has stayed clear of new community transmissions for 26 days straight.

Today is also the 5th day that the country has reported no new infections whatsoever. The latest 17 patients, all of whom were passengers on a flight returning from the United Arab Emirates, were reported last Thursday.

To add to the good news, 8 patients were declared to have recovered and were discharged yesterday.

8 patients discharged yesterday

Patients discharged from the National Hospital of Tropical Diseases yesterday taking pictures with medical staff
Image credit:

The 8 new recovered patients were all treated at the National Hospital of Tropical Diseases in Hanoi. Having all tested negative several times in a row, they were discharged from the hospital yesterday afternoon and will continue to be isolated for further monitoring for another 14 days.

Among them, 5 were associated with the former COVID-19 clusters of Hạ Lôi Hamlet and Bạch Mai Hospital, while the remaining 3 returned from overseas.

With the latest numbers, Vietnam’s total COVID-19 tally remains at 288, while the patient recovery count is now 249. Of the remaining 39 active patients, only 20 are still testing positive. 8 have tested negative once, and 11 have tested negative twice or more.

The curve continues to flatten

The nationwide social distancing policy implemented in Vietnam from 1st to 22nd April to combat COVID-19 proved to be a success. Looking at statistics from the 1st of April till now, we can see that the curve has been flattened by a large margin.

Source: Vietnam’s Ministry of Health

So far, Vietnam has reported no deaths related to COVID-19.

The government urges people to stay alert

Preventive measures are still carried out in schools and public areas
Image credit: Trường Tiểu học – THCS – THPT Newton

The COVID-19 numbers in Vietnam are indeed heartening, and over the past few weeks, schools, public transports, and non-essential businesses such as cinemas and gyms are resuming operations, slowly restoring the status quo in the country.

Still, the National Steering Committee on COVID-19 Prevention and Control has warned that people must not let their guards down and emphasized the need to carry out precautions such as avoiding crowds, wearing masks in public areas, and practice good hygiene.

Let’s all continue to exert caution

So far, the Vietnamese government and people have been outstanding in their efforts to contain COVID-19. As long as we keep up the good work, the day when Vietnam is completely free of the virus shouldn’t be too far away.

For more COVID-19 stories and updates, check out:


Cover image adapted from, Trường Tiểu học – THCS – THPT Newton

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