
5 Next-Level HDB Design Ideas To Ask Your ID For, To Ensure You Don’t Have A Cookie-Cutter Home

HDB design ideas to ask your ID for

Few joys in life can compare with getting the keys to your very own home. No doubt most of us would have come up with an inspiration board full of ideas of how our dream home should look like even before buying an HDB flat. And to turn these ideas into reality, engaging an experienced interior designer (ID) could make all the difference. Here we highlight some next-level HDB design ideas to ask your ID for, so you don’t end up with a cookie-cutter home.

1. Foldable partitions between rooms

Makes the space more versatile by giving privacy when needed

Ideally, we’d all love to have a 5-room flat. However, if you’ve got a smaller unit, there’s still a nifty solution to “create” an extra room. Simply ask your ID to build a foldable partition in your biggest room and you can turn the 1 large room into 2 whenever you want.

Partitions can even be made with soundproofing material.
Image adapted from: Fineline Design

In this Punggol Drive HDB by Fineline Design, the residents decided to have the partition in the living room so they could open it up for a larger space when hosting guests. They could then fold it up during the day when they needed more privacy for work or for kids having tuition.

2. Diagonal or massive glass doorways

Gives the illusion of rooms being more spacious

Having massive glass doorways instead of solid walls is another HDB design idea to make your unit look larger than it is. While you still have a partition between different rooms, your vision isn’t broken by something concrete, creating the illusion that it’s one continuous space.

Customise your glass doors with stained glass or decorative handles.
Image credit: Ovon Design

You can also get creative with customising these glass doors to create aesthetic corners in your house. For example, in this Tampines Street 62 HDB by Ovon Design, there is an arch design on the doors and they have been placed diagonally.

Image credit: Mr Designer Studio

Apart from making your home look more spacious, there are advantages to having glass doorways. When used between the kitchen and living room, it’s easy to see what your guests are doing if you tend to host a lot. Those with young children will find that glass doors make it easy to keep an eye on them when used in the playroom.

Image credit: Le Interior Affairs

And if you’re keen on having lots of natural light stream in, use such glass doors in your bedroom, just like the folks of Northshore Drive HDB by Le Interior Affairs.

3. Curved arches

Create a small nook with a settee area

In a home full of straight lines, incorporating curved arches is a simple yet impactful visual to stand out from a typical HDB flat. While curved arches can be seamlessly integrated into various parts of the house, we’ve found the idea of creating a cosy nook in the living room to be quite interesting.

Image adapted from: Fineline Design, Yang’s Inspiration Design

Bookworms will appreciate the recess created in this Jalan Satu HDB by Fineline Design to snuggle in with a book. A variation of the reading nook has been done in this Woodlands Avenue 9 HDB by Yang’s Inspiration Design where it’s narrower but equally aesthetic.

Some homes have made these lighted-up arches at the entrance to create an oomph-worthy first impression. At the same time, these nooks replace benches for anyone to comfortably sit and wear their shoes.

Image adapted from: Le Interior Affairs, Mr Designer Studio

Soft curves not only add a touch of sophistication, but they also add a visual focus to your space. Just take a look at this Northshore Crescent HDB by Le Interior Affairs where the arch has been carved into the wall to create display shelves in the living room. Another idea is to create a curved arch to fit your TV console.

The residents of this Bidadari Park Drive HDB by Mr Designer Studio must really love the idea as they’ve created several arched doorways to demarcate the different rooms. BTW, if you’re restricted by rules and are unable to hack the walls or ceilings, you can even use an arch-shaped wallpaper.

4. Feature walls for bathrooms

Vibrant designs & graphic wallpaper that add personality

Who told you that feature walls can only be in the open areas or bedrooms? Don’t neglect the bathrooms; they are the perfect opportunity to unleash your creativity without disturbing the rest of the theme of your home.

If you don’t want the general look of your home to be loud and colourful, having a vibrant design such as a graphic wallpaper within the bathroom is a good way to show off your personality.

The feature wall is usually on the opposite wall of the door so it’s the first thing people see when they enter the bathroom.
Image adapted from: Renologist, Fineline Design

2 comic books and pop art lovers brought their vision to life with custom tiles in their Bukit Batok West HDB by Renologist. We imagine it being a great conversation starter when guests first lay their eyes on the design.

Of course, there’s no need to go all eclectic; this Punggol HDB by Fineline Design uses a more romantic approach with floral wallpaper. So, the next time your ID asks if you want mosaic tiles in your bathroom, tell them you want something with a little more of a wow factor.

Image credit: U-Home Interior Design

Apart from bathroom feature walls, you can also consider doing something different for your ceilings. In accordance with a Japandi-style home, this Tampines Street 21 HDB by U-Home Interior Design has wooden ceilings in their common area to emphasise the use of natural materials.

5. Customised furniture & fittings

Make your space fit your needs

Nothing makes a home feel like more than a home than adding a bunch of personal touches. And there’s no better way to do that than with customised furniture and fittings. This where having an ID is extra useful because they’ll be to help design items to fit your specific needs.

Image credit: Renologist

We personally love how the homeowners of this Keat Hong Close HDB by Renologist asked their ID for a sunken bed to replace a regular sofa in their living room, taking Netflix and chill to a whole new level. Plus, this makes it easy for small kids or pets to climb onto.

Image adapted from: T&T Design Artisan

Despite space constraints, this Choa Chu Kang Street 51 HDB by T&T Design Artisan managed to make the most of the tiny bedroom by customising these built-in beds. Once the bed is folded into the wall, the apartment feels more spacious and versatile.

Design your dream home by engaging an ID from Qanvast

Whether this is your first BTO as a couple or you’re expanding your family with a resale flat, getting an ID can be of tremendous value. They’ll be able to suggest uncommon features to suit your specific needs that contractors alone are unable to come up with.

If you’re sourcing for a reputable and dependable ID, Qanvast is your go-to platform. The best place to start your research is by checking out the firms that have been awarded the SuperTrust Best Interior Designers in 2024. The list features 35 ID firms that have consistently received good reviews from past homeowners about their service quality.

With their stringent criteria in onboarding interior design firms, you know you’re in good hands for your renovation needs.

Find an interior designer to fit your renovation needs

This post was brought to you by Qanvast.
Cover image adapted from: Renologist, Fineline Design

Aditi Kashyap

Serial offender of binge-watching whodunnit shows

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