Categories: Food Reviews

Desperados – World’s first Tequila Flavoured Beer comes to Singapore

The Party Beer comes to Singapore

First launched 23 years ago in France, Desperados is the world’s first and leading tequila flavoured beer with 5.9% alcohol content. An amalgamation of a spirit and a beer, such concoctions have been nicknamed “Speers” and have a higher alcohol content than average beers.

Brought to Singapore by Asia Pacific Brewery Singapore (APB Singapore), Desperados launched at the former police station recently and TheSmartLocal hit up the party!

The Launch Party

We were greeted at the door with freshly chilled bottles of Desperados. A combination of flashing neon lights and booming party tracks, spun by DJ Adrian Wee from Zouk, immediately created a club-like ambience.

In such a relaxed setting, it was easy to get comfortable and enjoy our bottles of speer. Personally, I found Desperados to be very refreshing, and I particularly enjoyed the hint of citric notes which made it easy to drink.

Others at the launch commented that Desperados reminded them of Tiger Radler, a lemon flavoured beer. However, it wasn’t as sweet as the Radler – and with an alcohol content that is 3.9% higher, this party drink definitely offers more!

And what’s a party without a photo booth? There was a station set up as a prison cell, with batons and handcuffs as props, in keeping with the theme of the party. No, it wasn’t kinky or anything – the launch invited guests with the “Licence to Party”, so the photo booth setting was meant for delinquents or in other words, the “desperados”. How apt!

Aside from the photo booth, there was also a station offering glow-in-the-dark neon body paint. Speaking of glowing in the dark, there were also fire twirlers and stilt walkers in robot get-ups! All these definitely amped up the fun factor at the event and brought us to a new level of excitement.

Aside from the performers, there were gorgeous ladies clad in black walking around to ensure we weren’t left empty-handed as they served more Desperados and finger food. With such great service, it was hard to refuse – we ended up shouting “Cheers!” a couple more times before the night was over.


Desperados is available in Singapore at leading party bars, pubs and clubs such as Zouk, Attica and Pump Room; as well as convenience stores and supermarkets like FairPrice Finest and Cold Storage.

Do note that because Desperados is essentially a beer, it is much easier to drink than regular spirits. Therefore, be warned – don’t consume it too rapidly because its alcohol content is higher than average beers. Drink responsibly!

For more information you can visit Desperados’ Website or Facebook page.

This post and pictures are brought to you by Desperados.

Dionne See

Dionne loves exploring new places and going on adventurous hikes, movies are her drug and action movies are especially loved. On normal days, she loves pigging out.

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